Page 80 - Issue 42
P. 80
from Pastor David
Disclaimer: Were there any random work opportunities • Jesus spent many years as a carpenter
Question everything I say. God has that fell into your lap? • Jesus called 12 workplace individuals,
given me the unique leeway to write or say not clergy to be His disciples
things for you to ponder. Anyhowsoever, there I was sitting
In other words, you might have to go to backwards on the couch in my living room Is it safe to say that God is present in our
Him for some answers on these little stories one evening during this life transition lives when it comes to work?
and how they apply to your life. watching the sun go down wondering what
“I” should do next. The word “work” in these passages is
y the time I was in my late twenties, the Hebrew word “AVODAH,” which is the
I had worked all sorts of jobs from I asked God, “So God, You just want me same word used for worship and work in the
newspaper reporting, to photography, to ride around in that old truck and talk to Old Testament.
Bconstruction, carpentry, and demolition. I people about You?”
fi nished college, lived four months in a 2-man Here it comes….. Let’s say that God
expedition tent in a seriously remote grid Since then we have turned over 30,000 provides you with an opportunity to work
coordinate in Alaska commercial fi shing for miles covering a bunch of states, hundreds in a certain place and certain time with
Salmon, then spent two years running my own of car shows, Rat Rod Church services on the a specifi c people. If this is so, which I do
shrimp boat on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. tailgate, married a pile of couples, started a believe it is…. Then we can also say He gives
Then at 28 years old, I decided to get little church called “A Church Without Walls” you a territory.
into the Army and learn to fl y. Of course I and Chaplin to a group of SWAT/Sniper
didn’t do a bit of research to check things Instructors that train police departments all This is a territory where your “Born
like age limits, health etc. As it turned over the country. AND I have been blessed Again, New Species, Coworker with God self”
out under the old rules I was past the age to write this Christian article in Rat Rod has authority and access past your dreams.
cutoff. Unknown to me, the Army had Magazine. Tell me God doesn’t have a sense
changed the age requirement a week of humor. You are a child of God waiting to be
before I showed up at the recruiter’s offi ce
making me eligible. There, I met and My point? Dude! Do you seriously think revealed. Take Him up on it.
worked with some of the greatest men and I came up with all this? The desire of your heart is the same as
women on this earth, traveled to exotic God’s? His desire is to hang out with you!
places, fl ew some of the most advanced I can honestly say that I have been
aircraft of our time, AND . . . blew stuff up spectator in this story.
without getting into trouble for it. FACTOID: Do you know that the word He loves you huge!
My plan was to stay in a couple of year, “Coincidence” is NOT in the old Hebrew
5 tops. That 5 years went by in a blink of an Language? He knows that if you love Him with all
eye and before I knew it, 28 years had come your all…. AND love your neighbor….that you
and gone. Apparently I was where I was It is neither wealth nor splendor, will live a life joy fi lled.
meant to be. Or at least it seemed that way. but tranquility and occupation,which gives
There were times when I worked hard to happiness. -Thomas Jefferson It isn’t just a command. It is a plea
fi nd another job when we were threatened
with folding the fl ag or moving. Yet it always “God had fi nished the work he had been He has given you the spirit of love and a
seemed to work out. doing;” (Genesis 2:2) territory to spread His truth.
It was about this time I began hearing
from the Lord that I was to be a Pastor. Jesus “I have brought you glory on Never before have we so desperately
So there was a transition from being a earth by completing the work you gave me needed ambassadors of Jesus.
military boss to a ministry I could not even to do.” (John 17:4)
closely imagine. He has chosen you to be that
A few months later, I was offered an “Work is a concept that God came up ambassador. It is your choice.
early retirement which I accepted. with.” D. McK.
The grace had been lifted. Ponder that….
In the middle of all this I bought a Consider this: This ole world needs hope. He wants to
ragged old stock 41 Chev truck from school • 122 of Jesus’ 132 public appearances work with you to make that happen. Keep
teacher in Minneapolis. Yep. Laugh it up… were in the marketplace them cards and letters coming. RDavid@
• 45 out of 52 parables Jesus told are
Now you try: For the next 15 or so related to work
seconds, review the work you have been • 39 out of 40 divine interventions in “God loves you so much He cannot
involved in over the course of your life. Acts took place in the marketplace keep His eyes off of you.”
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