Page 74 - Issue 38
P. 74

from Pastor David

                                                                               Korri Brockoff

                         ow many times have       We were both ex-military so it was an   without our guard up.  Unconditionally.
                         you seen something in    observation rather than a hurtful thing   Now understand, this little article
                         someone so wonderful,    and I knew he meant good from it.  So   is about pondering.   So ponder this:
                         unique or down right     in this case, I actually listened to the   If what I have said above is true then
                Wawesome that you were            correction.  He was right.  Since then,   isn’t it critical for us to love ourselves
                compelled to let them know just how   God has worked hard on me about this   in order to fully love others?   If we
                much you appreciate them?  You    one and I can safely say my Receive   are not loving ourselves fully, aren’t
                formed the words from deep down   Mode Switch has been replaced and is   we judging ourselves?   Now by
                wanting nothing more than to refl ect   functioning much better now.    loving yourself, I am not pointing to
                back the joy that you received from   NOTE:  Two messages here to observe:
                                                                                   an egotistical or a narcissist thing.  I
                whatever deed, words, or action the     My friend fought for me even when
                                                                                   am saying that we are loving the
                person did.  “What a great job you   he was fi ghting me for me.
                                                                                   person God made us to be, His son or
                did.”   “You look so nice today.”   Or,     In his way and mine, showed the
                “You are amazing!”  After a little   gold in me rather than telling me
                                                                                      The person who calls out the gold
                hesitation you decided to let the   my junk. Everyone knows their junk.
                                                                                   in us has stepped forward and given
                person know how you felt only to be   What they need to hear is the gold
                                                                                   us a truth from their heart regardless
                corrected or brushed aside.         they have inside them.
                                                                                   of the reason or motive.  It is my belief
                   There you were all vulnerable, tail   Since hearing this about myself, I
                wagging with excitement and the   have learned that most people allow   that God Himself has sent that person
                person looks down at you like you   others to love them only as much as   to whisper into our souls, we are loved.
                were some sort of a weird sandwich   they love themselves. After this point   Jesus gave His life just for this reason.
                and says, “Yeah right” and laughs in   in the relationship has been reached   He loves us that much.  When we
                your face.   At that point you are a tire   those same people tend to sabotage   reject His love are we not arguing with
                going fl at.  Why?  Because you know   the relationship.            God?
                what you said is right and true but                                   These articles are mostly about
                the person you gave it to was just not   Most people only allow others to   bringing Hope to the world.  The
                going to have something that good   love them as much as they love   sons and daughters who bring hope
                said about them.                  themselves.                      must fully and radically love.  The
                   Beauty is in the eyes of the     I would like to propose to you that   only way this can be possible is to
                beholder. . . but not always in the   when Jesus said, “You shall love your   trust your loving Father EVEN if you
                receiver.                         neighbor as yourself,” He actually   do not understand this sort of vast
                   One of my best friends, Jonny S.   knew what He was talking about.  Love   incomprehensible ocean of love.
                once told me, “David, your Receive   each other.  Love each other enough   “God loves you so much He cannot
                Mode Switch is broken in the OFF   so as to be free of the junk around us   keep His eyes off of you.”
                position” after blessing me with a huge   enough that we can speak from the
                complement that I of course rejected.     heart to each other, in love, directly,   RDavid@


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