Page 9 - Issue 30
P. 9

having once owned a very tidy 1970
           Plymouth duster shane wanted something a
           little different and decided to venture a bit out
           of the field after being bitten by the rat rod
           bug.  Back in 2010 shane stumbled upon 1922
           Model T roadster body that had been forgotten
           by time in a barn in southwick MA. It had once
           been a part of someone else’s hot rod dream
           with a small amount of work already carried out.
           It sat untouched and abandoned for many years
           collecting dust and gaining its perfect patina
           until shane rescued it. he knew he wanted to
           keep that patina as he wanted a rat rod, but
           the T body was just a small piece of the overall
           puzzle. he knew that with his imagination and
           his friends from his club the Partless Bastards
           they could create something that henry Ford
           would screw his face up at - which suited shane
           just fine.
             over the coming years and many swap
           meets later parts were bought, traded, or
           handed over via friends, without having a clear
           build plan in mind. They would use what they
           had acquired on the cheap and make it work.
           With the body taken care of, the search was on
           for a suitable bed. shane had heard of one that
           may suit but was told it could be partly buried
           in a farmer’s field.  The lead was correct as it
           was indeed in a farmer’s field, however, upon
           inspection it was found to be buried in so much
           cow turd that you could barely make it out.
           removing piles and piles of caked on manure
           revealed a surprisingly useable truck bed. A
           deal was struck and it was on its way home to
           join the 1922 model T cab. By this stage the
           plan was coming together, a stock 1931 Model
           A frame was sourced and work began to box
           and cut it to add some strength to the aging
           metal. Being a Mopar guy shane wanted to
           stick to what he knew and also liked the idea
           of stirring up the puritis of both the Ford and
           Mopar crowds. Anyone familiar with chrysler’s

       8     Rat Rod magazine Issue ThIrTy                                                                                                                                                       rATrodMAgAzIne.coM  Rat Rod magazine     9
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