Page 39 - Issue 48
P. 39

               COPPER, NICKEL, & SOME

               DOWNRIGHT  SEXY
               DETAIL WORK
               DETAIL WORK
               Details, details, details...this car is full of them. Craig has an industrial
               machine shop and says that he has “hundreds of programs and drawing
               fi les on the car”. There are custom-designed pieces everywhere you look.
               As stated earlier, everything in the suspension was hand-fabbed. But if
               you look at the engine and interior, you’ll fi nd loads of pieces that were
               once hunks of raw metal. The breather and carb toppers are some of the
               most obvious ones. Sure, it’s probably a little fancier than the average rat
               rod, but you can’t argue when none of the parts were store-bought. They
               all came from the mind and hands of Craig and Corey. Even something as
               mundane as brake line brackets didn’t escape their attention. Each one
               and unique. There’s a tremendous amount of both copper and nickel  HOT
               was designed to follow the curve of the frame, making them all specifi c
               plating throughout the entire vehicle. The copper is obvious, but some may
               mistake the nickel for chrome. Nickel has more depth and substance and    ROD
 TECHNICAL STUFF:   And check out the bronze-tinted windows, another cool touch.        HANGOUT
               the difference becomes more obvious when the two are next to each other.

                                                 is handled by a 350 Chevy topped
                                                                                         Craig has created an aig has created an
               setup with more cam followers
               and no Panhard bar. The idea of
               the cam followers is to allow the   by a tunnel ram and a couple of       automotive Nirvana, of
                                                 Holley 450’s. Craig ordered some
                                                                                         sorts. He purchased a
               vehicle to rise and drop perfectly   headers from Sanderson but had       commercial building less
               straight. Air lift v2 autopilot   them leave the fl anges off so he        than fi ve minutes from
               system.  ⁄8” lines.  The system   could route them on his own.            home and turned it into
               is fed by 2 VIAIR compressors     Once they were assembled into           what he calls the ‘Hot Rod        TECHNICAL STUFF:
               and a fi ve-gallon tank, which     their fi nal confi guration, they         Hangout’. It’s where Craig
               doubles as the headrest behind    were nickel plated like many            and all his buddies get
               the seats. It’s all managed by an   other items on the car such as the    together and wrench on
               Air Lift Performance V2 Autopilot   hairpins and numerous interior        each other’s rides. This is
               system. A reversed Corvair        pieces. A 700R4 tranny keeps the        also where he and Corey
               steering box keeps the vehicle on   revs down and shoots the power        built this car under their
               the straight and narrow.          back to a set of 3.50 gears in the      alter egos – Metal Doctor
               DRIVETRAIN: Forward propulsion    9-inch rear out back.                   Fabrication.

                                                                                      RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     39

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