Page 13 - Issue 41
P. 13
When Jake was putting together his deSoto, he was ahead of bikes that cost the price of a small house to build.
unable to get the tranny to stop leaking. He dragged it Special thanks to Bill dawn on helping with the frame on
in to Prior Lake transmission, where he met Harm alken. that build. in the works is a chopped model a rat rod with
Harm rebuilt the transmission, but more importantly, 50” military tires out back. the band tours the country
the two guys bonded and Harm has since become an in a 1996 gmc Bluebird bus that Jake has completely
invaluable source of help, and a bit of an enabler for renovated with bunks, couches, a stereo system, and
some of Jake’s crazy ideas. storage area for all the band’s gear, eliminating the need to
Jake also has a 1950 Ford F100 that’s been pull a trailer. a discarded aluminum dock became a ramp
mounted on a later model gm 4X4 chassis. it was a which stores beneath the bus, U-Haul style so loading in
driver when he got it, but he’s gone through every and out for their gigs is a snap.
bit of it because a) he can’t leave anything alone We could fill an entire issue just on Jake’s creations...
and b) he has to make it his own. His scratchbuilt ’77 he’s tHat ambitious. there’s no doubt you’ll see him in
Shovelhead chopper took fourth place overall at the this magazine again – and don’t forget to check out his
prestigious donnie Smith bike show in 2007, placing band Blue Felix on page 66. Rat Rod Magazine 13
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