Page 14 - Issue 41
P. 14


                               Tinman   Kustoms

                                   WORDS AND IMAGES BY LUKE MERRILL (TINMAN 2 KUSTOMS)

                atina is the desired appearance   the way, I am using a part of an old   the smallest items (colors) fi rst. You
                of age, use and abuse. While    exercise machine that I found on the   don’t want to put your underwear
            Pmany “normal” people may not       side of the road and disassembled for   over your pants, do you? I guess I’m
             be particularly interested in this   the steel. FREEEEEEEE!!!         not quite that eccentric, but hey if
             appearance, for us eccentric & artistic                               you are….. I understand! If your fi nal
             appearance, for us eccentric & artistic
             “rat-rod” inspired individuals this                                   look is for a brown base (call it your
             is the beauty in the ugliness of rat                                  “pants”) with some light accents
             rods.  Patina tells a story that goes                                 (your underwear), then you will want
             without being said. With that being                                   to start with the light accents fi rst
             said, I would like to teach you how to
             said, I would like to teach you how to                                and work your way up to the fi nished
             properly do an imitation of patina in
             properly do an imitation of patina in   Conventional lower            product; I used
             a fashion that makes practical sense.   shock mount                   black in this step.
                                                                                   black in this step.
             a fashion that makes practical sense.
             While nature cannot be duplicated, it                   Free Steel       After the black
                                                                                      After the black
                                                Let’s d
             can be closely imitated with artistic   Let’s do this!o this!         has started to
             ideas, passion and dedication.       First I decide what sort of a    tack up (or dried
                                                                                   tack up (or dried
               There will be people that HATE   “look” that I want my end result to   completely) you
                                                                                   can go on to the
             this article and the concept of    accomplish. If you do a simple google   can go on to the
                                                                                   next color. Now this is where you want
             painting/faking patina. I can say the   search of “Patina” you will fi nd many   next color. Now this is where you want
             same thing about shiny paintjobs   examples. However, I like looking at   to get creative in adding textures to
             or restoration of any component    natural patina stuff in person. When   your object. Nothing in nature is ever
             on a vehicle. So please, just carry   you do that try to visualize the process   perfect. There are always little fl aws
             on with what you choose to enjoy.   of layering the paint and adding   that add character to an item, this is
             For the rest of you, enjoy the read   textures that nature might add on its   where you as an artist come into the
             and feel free to send me your patina   own. For this simple demonstration   picture. Often I use many different
             work after reading this article                  I am not going to    items to add unique textures (i.e.
             (Facebook: Tinman 2 Kustoms)!                     get too complex,    crusty old paint brush, ripped jeans,
             Some background                                   because it is in the   terry cloth rag, wrinkled Walmart bag/
                                                               artist to decide the
                                                                                   newspaper, etc.). The thicker the paint
               Here I am making some simple e I am making some simple   exact look. I am   is applied, the deeper the texture will
             brackets for my shock mounts on                   doing a common      be. This is not a science, but rather
             brackets for my shock mounts on
             my front axle. Many hotrod front    Brand of Paint   color scheme that I   personal experimentation.
             axles use the basic bolt on style   doesn’t matter  like to use.
             lower shock mount. Which is fi ne     Notice the color choices I often use.
             in a normal application, but in any   Starting, fi rst, with a neutral colored
             application that is a bit on the wild   primer or whatever color primer you
             side, these shock mounts can pivot,   may happen to have sitting around.
             no matter how tight you get the pin/  This is your starting base and allows all
             bolt. You can weld or fabricate shock   the other paint to adhere and hold up.
             mounts to your 4-bar setup or do   Put on a couple coats of the primer, as
             many other things, but I chose to use   instructed on the can, and let sit until   Different
             the standard lower shock mount and   completely dry. This is important so   added
             build simple brackets which eliminate   that the primer doesn’t “lift” off with
             the chance of rotation of the shock   the next steps.
             mount. This is on project “Wild-     When that is dry you can start
             Torquey”, an insane 4000 hour build   to add your layers. Much like layers   Here you can see I used some old
             that I am currently fi nishing up.  By   of clothing, you want to start with   ripped up jeans, some old sandpaper


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