Page 79 - Issue 41
P. 79

                                                               WITH  GEOFF JOHNSONOFF JOHNSONOFF JOHNSON
                 The actions of the previous generation            Today, our work is not done to preserve for
              (and the one before that) made all this           the future.  Vintage iron isn’t as common as it
              possible.  Going all the way back were shade      used to be.  Thirty years ago, any trip through
              tree mechanics guesstimating what it took to      the country, and many short cuts through
              wring more power out of an engine.  Darker        smaller towns, would yield several potential
              times during the hobby found builders stuck       vehicles for sale.  I had my eye on more than
              with smog emission power plants you couldn’t      one through the years.  And, yes, you would
              legally modify if you hoped to ever pass the      get a lot of the same reasons from owners for
              inspection needed to buy new tabs for your        why they wouldn’t sell (“Someday I will work on
              plates.  Yet, the love old school motorheads had   it…”).  Keeping your eyes open will yield results
              for internal combustion never faded and came      since the more reluctant sellers do not post
              in all shapes and sizes, from cars to trucks to   online.  Eventually, the car sitting under a lean-to
              motorcycles to farm tractors and everything in    might pop up at the end of the driveway with
              between.  There were enough vibrant times to      a faded sign under the wiper blade.  Stashing
              keep the hobby alive.                             what you can, to save what can be saved, to
              The current                                       ensure someone will have something to build is
                                                                a depressing necessity.  I am doing my part to
              generation of hot                                 rescue what I can.  If storage space is an issue
                                                                an understanding spouse can go a long way
              rodding should                                    especially if they still have a spot to park under
                                                                cover when the snow starts to blow.
              thank their luck                                  out for them.  Making modifi cations to stock
                                                                   The next generation will have their work cut
              starters                                          vehicles in the future will continue to be diffi cult

                                                                based on current rules and regulations.  Building
                                                                anything old will be tougher with dwindling
                 The current generation of hot rodding should   source material.  Even maintaining a newer daily
              thank their lucky starters.  With the cheap fuel   driver is going to be more challenging when
              and a rekindled horsepower/torque war raging      doing simple things like checking the air in your
              across the Big Three (Dodge-Ford-Chevy),          tires (TPMS make me cry!) and the fl uid in your
              factory and aftermarket support for building      transmission (what dipstick?) are a supreme
              performance in our cars and trucks has never      hassle.  As alternative fuels go mainstream, the
              been higher.  The process of swapping modern      future could be wide open in what will actually
              performance engines into ancient iron has never   power rats in the future, but if what aftermarket
              been easier.  The ability to replace worn older   companies have done for E-85 is a guide, I am
              parts with reproduced improved ones is an         excited about what the future holds in this area.
              expanding market.  We need to keep in mind           Finally, I don’t mind making sacrifi ces to
              all of this did not happen on its own.  Today’s   ensure a rat rodding future for our children.
              community is as diverse as ever with everyone     Even if it means I have to drive a hybrid to work
              getting along online and in-real-life (mostly).    Monday morning, I am willing to do it if I can
              This is why I love shows without such strict class   drive the gas guzzling rat to the show Monday
              divisions.  I can appreciate almost anything      night.  Harley-Davidson, yes even HARLEY,
              someone has poured their own blood, sweat,        announced they will be making an electric model
              and motor oil into.  The current generation has   in the next fi ve years: Project Livewire.  The
              made positive steps forward but still has work    future will have more options than anyone at the
              to do.  We need to build on the framework our     dawn of our hobby dreamed of, and I think that’s
              rodding forefathers have fabricated.              pretty hopeful.

                                                                                     RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     79

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