Page 80 - Issue 41
P. 80
from Pastor David
‘Nothing’s Changed!’
veryone has an opinion now-a-days. Yes, I have God: ‘Nothing’s Changed!’
‘Wait, wait, what
my own but I tend to want to know what God My friend: ‘Wait, wait, what
did you say?’
thinks about something before I move. When God: ‘Nothing has changed.
‘Nothing has changed.
Eit comes to hearing from God it is always good My plan is still in effect, it has never changed.
to make sure it is from Him rather than just another Nothing can stop it, nothing can change it, and
opinion passing in the wind or as my friend says, “Is it nothing will move it, not even an inch.’
God or just the pizza I ate.” R.O.A couple of ways to
insure it is Him, is to read what is written in the Bible He went on to say that upon hearing this, his mood
and listen to what other saints are hearing. Ever since changed, his outlook changed, his sense changed, the
last issue’s article, I have seen and heard what follows light changed, he changed. And yet from God’s eyes,
over and over again from within the pages of the Bible nothing has changed. “Nothing’s changed, regardless
and from keeping my ears open to others. of what happens, created by man or other, no system,
For the new readers, Word is written for us to no rule, no law, no being, nothing can or will change
read and then ponder. It is meant to challenge our what God has in place, His plan is perfect and is
beliefs and maybe open our hearts to something carried out to the letter no matter what!”
that could be a truth we never considered. In the last “He knows, He sees, He understands and He hears.
issue I wrote about change and looking back, it was Do not lose heart, His Plan has never changed!” D. S.
more a look from our worldly perspective. It spoke of If you have never read God’s promises, I challenge
change we see in our daily lives as a fl owing thing that you to do so. His promises have not changed. His is a
is constant and sometimes inevitable. What about promise of love and of a Kingdom that will live forever.
change from God’s prospective. No change there.
Sure there is change in our little lives but the big
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, picture? God’s picture? Not so much.
and forever.”
“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated.
We say, “Ok, but how does that affect me?” Don’t give them a second thought because God, your
Remember He has plans for you not only to prosper, God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with
but to come out unharmed and have a knowing you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.”
of a rock-solid hope and future. He is not the one
whispering doom and gloom in your ear. His words God is still on His throne. Jesus is still King of Kings
speak of a future full of hope and joy, of Victory. Did and Lord of Lords. The Bible still has all the answers to
you notice when my core value “changes” from me to every problem. The tomb is still empty. Hope is alive.
my Father the focus is more positive? So then who is the toad in the road? It is us my
Here is a small piece of an amazing letter from a friends. It still comes down to who we put our faith
true warrior brotherman of God. He was feeling the and trust in.
turmoil and struggle going on all around us and went “Faith is risking the possibility of holding on one
to God for help on how to deal with this change. This more day. Faith is what overcomes everything in the
is how the conversation went: world around you.” R. D.
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