Page 18 - THE MATHMATE November 2024
P. 18
Establishing Hierarchies
Rebekah Mattison
A problematic standard for instruction and informed me they were in high demand and were
mastery continues to be 5.G.4: Classify two- “the most rare.”)
dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on their
attributes. It presents yearly to the data review Create an anchor chart similar to the following
committee as a deficit standard based on SC based on the students’ names for each hierarchy
Ready results. Below is an activity math teachers level. You could use different colors and sizes of
could use in upper elementary to teach the circles, draw on the white or smart board, use
concept of a hierarchy. sidewalk chalk outside, or hula hoops - use your
creativity to engage students in the learning!
Hierarchies are simply groups based on specific Next, determine where the objects should be
characteristics. This new concept is tricky placed in the hierarchy.
because most students need to learn the
hierarchy definition or how they operate. Before
asking students to classify shapes based on their
attributes and organize them in a hierarchy,
introduce the idea of a hierarchy with this fun
activity with elementary’s hottest craze - The
PRIME Hydration drink!
To complete this demonstration, you will need the
following beverages or pictures of the following
• Meta Moon PRIME
• Any other flavor PRIME
• Gatorade or Powerade
• Bottled water or soda
• Any random item in your classroom (marker, • The marker does not fit anywhere in the
pencil, eraser, manipulative) hierarchy. It cannot be classified in this
hierarchy based on its attributes.
You can modify this activity based on what you • The Coca-Cola can only be classified in the
can find at your local grocer, but this is what I hierarchy as a drink.
chose for the activity.
• The Gatorade can be classified as a drink
Begin by asking students to name the Meta Moon and a Hydration drink.
PRIME drink with the most general name they • The Tropical Punch PRIME can be classified
could think of. Guide students to settle on “Drink” as a drink, a Hydration drink, and a PRIME
as a category. Then, begin narrowing the Hydration drink.
categories to “Hydration Drink,” “PRIME Hydration • The Meta Moon PRIME can be classified as
Drink,” and “Meta Moon PRIME Hydration Drink.” a drink, a Hydration drink, a PRIME Hydration
(I chose Meta Moon because my fifth graders drink, and a Meta Moon PRIME Hydration