Page 20 - THE MATHMATE November 2024
P. 20
The Forgotten Art of Kite Diagrams
Lisa A. Pike
Kite diagrams, like bar graphs, help students see trends in data. They show density, number, or
distribution along a transect, helping students visualize which groups are widespread along a distance,
and which are not. These generalizations then lead to hypotheses about why a group is distributed the
way it is. Kite diagrams satisfy math and science standards, get students thinking about their local
environments, and tie mathematics reasoning with scientific reasoning.
Introduction identifiable potential relationships as readers
Kite diagrams are one way of presenting data. visually compare the different frequencies of
Like a bar graph, they help readers see trends observed data along the same transect. Kites
in data in a visual way. Kite diagrams are help students see which groups are more
graphs that show density, number, or numerous as the kites are wider when they
distribution along a transect (distance). The contain greater numbers, and, with an x-axis
“kites” aren’t bar graphs, though they are of distance along the transect, they can
similar. The widths and lengths of kites, when simultaneously see the location of larger
colored in, resemble an actual kite and can numbers of organisms.
give information about the species that live
within a physical area. Geographers use them The Standards
to show the distribution of plant life along a When students construct and interpret kite
distance that changes in elevation, latitude, or diagrams, they are satisfying the South
in soil type, and biologists use them to show Carolina College-and-Career-Ready
distribution of animals as well as plants in a Standards in Data Analysis and Statistics,
variety of natural habitats including the ocean particularly, for middle school, standard
depths. Kite diagrams are great in the 6.DS.4 and for high school, standard SPID.1,
classroom, too. They help students visualize both of which have students selecting and
which groups are widespread along a creating appropriate displays for numerical
distance, and which are not. These data, including dot plots. Younger students too
generalizations then lead to hypotheses about can make and use kite diagrams – the SCCCR
why a group is distributed the way it is. In other standards have fourth through sixth grade
words, math is used to make sense of patterns students reasoning contextually and
seen in nature. A longer kite (covering most of abstractly, evaluating the success of an
the x-axis) may mean a group with greater approach to solve a problem and refining that
tolerances to a wider range of conditions, while approach (as may be needed when selecting
short kites may imply specialization. Groups the number of individuals each graph square
that are restricted in range have kites that are represents), and making sense of quantities
not as long, and by comparing the kite to the and their relationships. Fourth through sixth
x-axis students can see where within the grade students need to demonstrate an ability
transect, or range, the group is more common. to solve multi-step real world problems
Frequency is also shown by a kite on the (4.ATO.3), to create a line plot to display a data
graph, with larger kites corresponding to a set (4.MDA.4; 5.G.2), and to translate among
greater frequency, thus generating easily multiple mathematical representations and