Page 167 - 2024 Program File
P. 167
Thank You!
We extend our hear�elt gra�tude to all who made the 2024 Math
Conference a resounding success!
To our atendees, thank you for your enthusiasm and par�cipa�on. Your
eagerness to learn and engage created a vibrant atmosphere that
inspired meaningful conversa�ons and connec�ons.
A special thank you to our volunteers. Your hard work and dedica�on
behind the scenes ensured everything ran smoothly. We couldn’t have
done it without you!
We are also deeply apprecia�ve of our corporate sponsors. Your
support played a vital role in bringing this event to life, and we are
grateful for your commitment to advancing math educa�on.
To our speakers, thank you for sharing your exper�se and insights. Your
contribu�ons sparked inspira�on and curiosity among par�cipants,
enriching the overall experience.
Finally, a huge thank you to the SCCTM Board members for your vision
and leadership in organizing this conference. Your unwavering
commitment to excellence in math educa�on is truly commendable.
Together, we created an unforgetable event, and we look forward to
seeing you all next year in Greenville, South Carolina!
Mathema�cally Yours,
The SCCTM Conference Planning Committee