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                                                         NEW RELEASES & TOP SELLERS

         The           The Impact of Identity in K–12   Principles to Actions, 10th Anniversary
         Impact        Mathematics: Rethinking      A collectible Limited 10th Anniversary Edition that includes a new foreword
         of Identity   Equity-Based Practices, Second Edition   by the author team.
         in K–12
         Mathematics   Julia Aguirre, Karen Mayfield-Ingram, and   Since Principles to Actions was first published in 2014, it has offered guidance
         Rethinking     Danny Bernard Martin        to teachers, mathematics coaches, administrators, parents, and policymakers.
         Equity-Based Practices                     This Limited 10th Anniversary Edition commemorates 10 years of useful and
         SECOND EDITION  This revised and expanded volume explores
                       how teaching practices influence students’   actionable guidance to educators as we work to strengthen the teaching and
         Julia Aguirre                              learning of school mathematics for each and every student.
         Karen Mayfield-Ingram  perceptions of themselves as mathematics
         Danny Bernard Martin
                       learners, emphasizing the need for teachers   © 2024 | Stock #16333 | 158 pp. | ISBN 978-1-68054-101-4
        to engage in critical reflection and embrace equity-based practices.   Nonmember $39.95 | Essential  $31.96 | Premium  $27.97
        © 2024 | Stock #15951 | 212 pp. | ISBN  978-1-68054-048-2
        Nonmember $54.95  | Essential  $43.96 | Premium  $38.47  CATALYZING CHANGE SERIES
                       Disrupting Injustice: Navigating         Success Stories from Catalyzing Change
                       Critical Moments in the Classroom
                                                                Edited by Karen Graham, Robert Q. Berry III, Sarah B. Bush, and DeAnn Huinker
                       Lateefah Id-Deen and Esther Song
                                                                Experience the journeys of mathematics educators as they implement key recommen-
                       Take an enlightening journey through the   SUCCESS    dations from Catalyzing Change. These inspiring stories highlight the challenges and
                       experiences of mathematics educators   STORIESFROM  successes of implementing equitable teaching practices in classrooms everywhere.
                       from diverse backgrounds who’ve   CATALYZING
                                                         KAREN J. GRAHAM,
                       confronted injustices. Gain insights   CHANGE  Edited by    © 2023 | Stock #16136 | 138 pp. | ISBN 978-1-68054-001-7
                                                         ROBERT Q. BERRY III,
                                                         SARAH B. BUSH, and
                                                         DEANN HUINKER
                       from researchers whose commentaries      Nonmember $34.95 | Essential $27.96 | Premium $24.46
                       contextualize each critical moment within   Early Childhood and Elementary Mathematics
                       the realm of academic study.   © 2020 | Stock #15928 | 166 pp. | ISBN 978-1-68054-042-0
        © 2023 | Stock #16120 | 110 pp. | ISBN 978-1-68054-023-9    Nonmember $48.19 | Essential $36.19 | Premium $33.73
        Nonmember $39.95 | Essential $31.96 | Premium $27.97
                                                    Middle School Mathematics
                                                    © 2020 Stock #15929 | 134 pp. | ISBN 978-1-68054-044-4
                       Proactive Mathematics Coaching:   Nonmember $48.19 | Essential $36.19 | Premium $33.73
                       Bridging Content, Context, and
                       Practice                     High School Mathematics
                                                    © 2018 | Stock #15637 | 126 pp. | ISBN 978-1-68054-014-7
                       Courtney Baker and Melinda Knapp
                                                    Nonmember $48.19 | Essential $36.19 | Premium $33.73
                       This new volume introduces the
                       Proactive Coaching Framework (PCF)
                       to help those in formal and informal
                       mathematics leadership positions
                       intentionally refine and and advance
                       their practice through goal setting and
        planning for professional learning.
        © 2023 | Stock #16144 | 212 pp. | 978-1-68054-020-8    FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS
        Nonmember $58.95 | Essential $47.16 | Premium $41.26
                                                   Dazzling Us with Data (Grades PK–2)   Knotting Numbers (Grades 3–5)
        MODERN MATH TASKS SERIES                   Kelley Buchheister and Amy Napoli  Eva Thanheiser and Naomi Jessup
                                                   This book shares parts of the early years of Dr. Talithia   When Liliana has her first day at a new school, she’s
                      Modern Math Tasks to Provoke   Williams of being one of only a few Black girls in   nervous about making new friends, and a complex math
                      Transformational Thinking:   class—and how she applied math to many daunting   problem in her class doesn’t help. After she shares her
                      Grades 9–12                  situations. Additionally, young readers will get excited   Abuela’s strategy for solving the problem, some of her
                                                   about doing math thanks to the interesting questions   classmates don’t understand or think her way is wrong.
                      Edited by Suzanne Harper and Dana Cox
                                                   and math problems in the book. Teachers can use   Marcia Ascher, a professor and mathematician, and
                      The innovative tasks in this new volume   the discussion and activity prompts to engage young   a friend of her teacher, describes to the students how
                      bridge the gap between traditional   mathematicians in the classroom or at home.   different cultures have their own ways of doing math.
                      siloed education and the real-world   © 2023 | Stock #16055 | 36 pp. | ISBN 978-1-68054-005-5  © 2023 | Stock #16056 | 32 pp. | ISBN 978-1-68054-008-6
                      problems we encounter daily. By   Nonmember $6.95 | Essential $5.56 | Premium $4.86  Nonmember $6.95 | Essential $5.56 | Premium $4.86
                      emphasizing mathematical modeling,
                      data analysis, and           The Mystery Underground (Grades 6–8)  What We Do When Fairness Fails Us
                                    MODERN MATH TASKS
        cross-disciplinary thinking, they empower   TO PROVOKE   Christa Jackson, Cynthia E. Taylor, Kari Jurgenson, and   (Grades 9–12)
        students to tackle complex issues and   THINKING  Jessica Stagg              Maria del Rosario Zavala, Toya Jones Frank, and
                                    GRADES 3-5
        become global citizens ready to            When Jake and Selah find confusing messages while   Zandra de Araujo
        shape a brighter future.
                                                   geocaching, they aren’t sure what the notes mean.   Moises, Marissa, and Astrud realize that a specialized high
        © 2023 | Stock # 16140 | 144 pp.           But after reading about Agnes Meyer Driscoll, a   school uses a lottery for admission that prevents many
        ISBN 978-1-68054-023-9                     cryptanalyst, and learning about different ciphers   qualified students from attending. As they research how
        Nonmember $39.95                  Suzanne Harper  and codes, they work with their friends to decode the   lotteries work, they come across videos by Federico Ardila,
                                           EDITED BY
                                          and Dana Cox
                                         Rick A. Hudson, Series Editor
        Essential $31.96 | Premium $27.97          odd messages. They realize the secret codes are part   a mathematician who explains concepts like randomness
                                                   of a plot by some very important people to cover up   and probability and how they apply to our everyday lives.
                                                   problems in their town of Pottersville.  © 2023 | Stock #16058 | 84 pp. | ISBN 978-1-68054-013-0
                                                   © 2023 | Stock #16057 | 120 pp. | ISBN 978-1-68054-011-6  Nonmember $9.95 | Essential $7.96 | Premium $6.96
                                                   Nonmember $9.95 | Essential $7.96 | Premium $6.96
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