Page 71 - 2024 Program File
P. 71
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
Thinking Mathematically Together
Session 88 will be held in Lexington A Room from 1:10 - 2:35.
Elevate Collabora�on with Coaching
Take your work to the next level. Explore coaching tools you can use to build a
collabora�ve culture of leaders who are ready to transform challenges into
pathways to success. General Audience
Margaret Lorimer, S2TEM
Session 89 will be held in Lexington B Room from 1:10 - 2:00.
STEM U and You
Par�cipants will learn about STEM U and its work specializing in K-12 STEM and
STEAM equity integra�on, for over 12 years. Strategies will be shared that help
increase hands-on learning with STEM and STEAM tools, foster student
engagement and achievement, and ensure quality, sustainability, and alignment
with the latest standards and best prac�ces. Grades 4-12
Dr. Michele Heyward, CEO, STEM U
Session 90 will be held in Richland A Room from 1:10 - 2:00.
Eleva�ng Student Status with Rough Dra� Talk
Par�cipants will put their problem-solving skills to the test as they collaborate to
solve a rich mathema�cal task. Teachers will reflect on their iden�ty as a learner
and connect to culturally responsive strategies. Par�cipants will receive strategies
to redesign their classrooms to support students as they become more
independent learners. Grades 6 - 12
Gerry Long, CPM Educa�onal Program