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JOIN THE PLAYHOUSE FOR EXCITING  Activity #3: Once Upon a Time
 IN-PERSON  Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of theatre. For many y ears, it was the

 WINTER BREAK  primary form of entertainment. Families gathered together to share their stories.
       Traveling storytellers and musical troubadours would go from town to town,
       sharing news in the form of stories, songs and poetry. In this way, both personal
       and public stories were passed down from generation to generation. Many
 THEATRE CAMPS!  times, the stories were things that actually happened. Often, though, they were
       stories that were created to enlighten, to teach life lessons, or to just plain
 ages 6-14
 ages 6-14
       This game is played with as many people as would like to participate. To begin
 Live Performance
 Live Performance  with, everyone thinks about as many fairy tale characters as they can. These
       character will “appear” in the story that the group is going to create. Everyone
 Musical Theatre
 Musical Theatre
       now sits around a table, or in a circle on the floor. The story is told by going
 Theatre Games & Improvisation  around the circle, each perfson adding one sentence. The designated Story
 Theatre Games & Improvisation
 Voice & Movement
 Voice & Movement  Teller begins the story with:
 Teamwork & Self-Confidence
 Teamwork & Self-Confidence  “Once upon a time...”
       ...then completes the sentence whatever way they like. An example would be:
 Use of the Imagination
 Use of the Imagination
 Make-up, Costumes
 Make-up, Costumes  “Once upon a time, in a castle far away, a beautiful queen was consulting her
       magical mirror.”
 Lighting, Props
 Lighting, Props
  & much, much more!  Now the fun begins, as each person in turn can point the story in any direction.
  & much, much more!
       “Once upon a time, in a castle far away, a beautiful queen was consulting her
 THE PERFECT  magical mirror.”
 HOLIDAY GIFT!  “Mirror,  mirror,  on  my  floor.  Who’s  that  knocking  at  my  door?”  Asked  the
 Ask about after-school & weekend programs, too!
       “Replied the mirror, “You have a message from the
 Two sessions to choose from!wo sessions to choose from!
 T     Three Little Pigs.”
 Mon- T ues- W ed- Thurs    “Oh, dear,” sulked the Queen. “I knew I shouldn’t
       have hired them to build my new houses.”
 Dec 27-30, 2021 • Jan 3-6, 2022
 Dec 27-30, 2021 • Jan 3-6, 2022
 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM daily
 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM daily   And around the circle it goes, as often as you like,
       everyone being as creative as they can be, until the
       Story Teller wraps it up with...
  For information, please contact us at
  For information, please contact us at
 1.394.9779 ext. 3 or
 1.394.9779 ext. 3 or  “And they all lived happily ever after.”
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