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Santa Monica Playhouse:  Activity #1: The Funny Farm

 “A total theatre experience!” L.A. TIMES  As you will see in many productions - “The Lion King” and “Beauty and the Beast”
       are great examples - actors often play animals, or toys, or all kinds of objects.
 61 years and counting...  Creating the physical and vocal traits for animal characters, aliens, or inanimate
       objects, is a task frequently asked of a performer. It’s challenging to do. Let’s
       create  our  own  Animal  Farm,  using  a  combination  of  observation  and
 The magic of live theatre - entertaining, enlightening, educational - is   imagination to shape our bodies and our voices into the forms and sounds of our
 what Santa Monica Playhouse and its award-winning resident company,   favorite animals. This activity can be done with two or more people, and works
 Actors' Repertory Theatre (ART), are all about. One of the country's most   best with a group of about 6 or 8. Parents will want to participate, too. It’s also a
 respected intimate theatrical centers, the Playhouse is the only company   great way to flesh out your Halloween character!
 of its kind to have produced non-stop for over half a century. Under the
       CREATING AN ANIMAL Everyone selects the animal they want to be. Then the
 aegis  of  Chris  DeCarlo  and  Evelyn  Rudie,  Co-Artistic  Directors  since   group divides in half. One half is the audience, the other half the performers. The
 1973,  the  Playhouse  has  been  honored  with  over  250  awards  and   performers stand on the “stage” (living room rug, front of the class, sandy beach,
 commendations and has presented 650 dynamic classic, contemporary   park, and so forth). They close their eyes, imagining the animal in their minds,
 and original productions.  seeing every detail - how it looks, how it moves, what it sounds like, what its
       particular mannerisms are. Then, still keeping their eyes closed, they form their
 The Playhouse is staffed by a small troupe of professional performers
       faces and body into the shape of the animal. After a minute, when they feel they
 who have made an enormous impact on the local and global community,   have created it fully, they open their eyes. Now they to move around, adding
 touching  the  lives  of  over  5  million  local,  national  and  international   sounds, and exploring relationships to other ‘animals’ in the group. As they do
 audience members, artists and students.  With  three  performance   so, the audience tries to guess which animals are represented. When all the
 spaces at their jewel of a theatre complex on Fourth Street in the heart of   animals  have  been  correctly  identified,  the  audience  and  performers  trade
       places and begin again. This can be done several time, each letting participants
 Santa Monica, the company brings to brilliant life our rich heritage of
       select different animals.
 playwrights, from Moliere to Strindberg, from Shakespeare to Sholom
 Aleichem.  Famed  playwright  Eugene  Ionesco  gave  the  company  his   ANIMAL PAIRS: Performers pair off. Each selects an animal, but does not tell
 highest praise, acclaiming their work “Magnifique!” The Playhouse has   anyone else what it is. One pair at a time, the two ‘animals’ interact, with animal
 hosted such renowned performers as Paul Linke, Stuart Pankin, Louise   sounds only. As each pair interacts, the others try to guess what animals they are
       seeing. Do this with each set of participants.
 Sorell, William Schallert, Sammy Shore, Renee Taylor, Joe Bologna and
 Julie  Harris,  directors  Mark  W.  Travis  and  Martin  Charnin,  and   THE ANIMAL FARM: To round off the activity, have each performer tell the group
 playwrights Arnold Schulman, Jerry Mayer, Annie Reiner, Brenda Krantz,   in two or three sentences what it felt like to be their favorite animal, and explain
 Australia's David Williamson and Canada's Michel Garneau.   one  animal  character  that  they  would  like  to  be  able  to  add  to  their  own
       personalities (fly like a bird, purr like cat, leap like a frog, and so forth).
 With  critically  acclaimed  productions,  pioneering  advances  in
 educational  theatre,  and  international  tours,  this  theatrical  gem   Actors  use    animal  exercises  to  find  out
 continues  its  battle  to  raise  cultural  consciousness  and  fight  for  the   more  about  the  way  the  body  works,
 survival and growth of the creative process, reaching out to make live,   enhance  physical  control,  and    practice
 intimate theatre an active force in our community. Co-Artistic Director   their sense of perception and memory. They
       also create a human character by adding
 Chris DeCarlo, a Vietnam veteran, says his experiences convinced  him
       animal attributes. You can use the animal
 that his mandate was to put the human back in humanity. “All of us at the   exercise  to  have  fun,  and  also  to  better
 Playhouse,” he says, “want to make a dramatic difference in our world.”  understand your own pets and the animals
       you see around you every day.
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