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Two Anniversaries in One:

                                                                                       61 Years of Playhouse! 52 Years of Family Theatre!

                                                                                      Can you believe Santa Monica Playhouse has been entertaining
                                                                                      audiences for 61 years! And that our Family Theatre Series turned
                                                                                      52 this year! It’s true, and on the following pages you can find
                                                                                      exciting information about the Playhouse and its colorful history.
                                                                                      You  will  also  find  facts  about  the  show  and  some  enjoyable
                                                                                      activities and games for families to share. Do them together at a
                                                                                      birthday party or sleep-over, or make them a regular part of your
                                                                                      weekly  routine.  They  are  fun  to  do,    are  an  excellent  way  of
                                                                                      enhancing arts appreciation and family communication, and are
                                                                                      one of many ways you can experience the magic of live theatre

                                                                                      Santa Monica Playhouse, providing uninterrupted theatrical and
                                                                                      educational services to the community since 1960, also offers a
                                                                                      wide variety of programs for theatre students between 4 and adult.
                                                                                      To find out more, call our Education Conservatory at 1-310-394-
                                                                                      9779 ext 3 or visit us online at

                                                                                      The Santa Monica Playhouse Diversity-in-Education programs are
                                                                                      sponsored  in  part  by  grants  from  the  Los  Angeles  Board  of
                                                                                      Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts
                                                                                      and Culture; the City of Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Arts
                                                                                      Commission; The Emery & Edith Bernauer Scholarship Fund and
                                                                                      Playhouse PALS. We are proud and honored to have these fine
                                                                                      organizations as our sponsors, so that we may continue to bring
                                                                                      the live theatre experience to you and your young people for many
                                                                                      years to come.

                                                                                      And now, on with the show!

                                                                                                                             Chris DeCarlo & Evelyn Rudie
                                                                                                              Co-Artistic Directors, Santa Monica Playhouse

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