Page 1 - 1 - Synroof HB Technical Catalogue_Neat
P. 1

                                                                              SYNROOF HI  BUILD

                                                                            Premium  Quality Acrylic  Waterproof  Coating

                                                                             1. Old asphalt surfaces and bituminous
                             GENERAL                                            roofing felt. Cut felt blisters  crosswise,  dry
                             1. BITUMAT  SYNROOF Hl-BUlLD, an                   and rebond  with suitable adhesive.  Allow to
                                                                                cure. Then orime cleaned surface with
                                elastomeric,  premium  quality acrylic coating,
                                                                                BITUMAT  SYNROOF  Hl-BUILD  diluted with
                                 may be applied by brush, roller, squeegee or
                                                                                50% water.
                                spray equipment  depending  on site conditions.
                                                                             2. Concrete Terrazo tile roofs. Following
                                To spray, select  a nozzle  size of at least 0.028
                                                                                removal of all loose and other alien material,
                                in.; first checking the spray equipment to ensure
                                                                                prime  with BITUMAT  SYNROOF Hl-BUILD
                                                                                diluted  with 50% water.  Greater  dilution
                             2. All surfaces to be coated  must be clean, dry,  may lead to weaker bonding with the
                                free from dust, dirt, oil and other  contaminants.  substrate.
                             3. Coverage  varies  depending  on factors  such as  3. Metal roofs. Clean and remove  all rust and
                                type and quality of substrates i.e. surface     apply a rust inhibitive  primer.  Follow this by
                                regularity and application  method.             applying  metal primer to all corroded
                             4. Apply in separate  coats, each at a right angle to
                                                                             4. Other roofs. Should the roof be affected  by
                                the one before.
                                                                                algae or fungal  growth,  use a stiff bristled
                             5. The final coating thickness to be achieved      broom to remove  this before treating  the
                                depends on the requirements of the individual   cleaned surface  with a suitable fungicide,
                                roof.                                           and apply  primer  coat by diluting BITUMAT
                                                                                SYNROOF  H l-BU I LD with 50% water.
                             Surface  preparation  is a very vital issue and this
                             influences the integrity of the waterproofing  system.  1. Primer must be completely dry before the
                                                                                first coat is applied.
                             Hence, care must be exercised when the
                                                                             2  BITUMAT  SYNROOF HI-BUILD may be
                             preparation  is done.  This is very important when re-
                                                                                applied by soft brush, roller  or spray  gun.
                             roofing  over  an existing old roof.
                                                                             3  For spraying,  BITUMAT SYNROOF  Hl-
                                                                                BUILD  may be slightly  diluted  with water.
                             Instructions should be followed strictlv.          Too great a dilution may lead to
                                                                                sedimentation  and blocking of spray  gun.
                             1. All surfaces to be smooth, clean, dry and free  4  Apply two coats, each at the approximate
                                from dust, rust and latience.                   rate 0.35 kgisqm. (Excluding the
                                                                                SYNROOF  prime coat) after diluting  with
                             2  Concrete  and cementitious  substrates  must be
                                well compacted  with a wood float type finish, be
                                                                             5. Where  substantial  movement  is anticioated
                                at least 28 days old and well dried. Uncured    in the substructure, a reinforcement (60/80
                                concrete surface will have moisture  trapped    gsm thermobonded polyester) as part of a
                                inside and willturn gaseous  when temperature   "sandwich"  membrane  system  is used. Lay
                                rises. This will lead to blistering  and even   this reinforcement  in the wet first coat
                                delamination  from  the surface.                before application  of subsequent  coats. All
                             3  Wooden or metal panels to be firmly fixed in    detailing to pipes, upstands,  drains,
                                position.                                       projected line etc. should  be reinforced  in
                                                                                this way.
                                Terrazo roof tiles: Clean and repair damaged
                                joints. Ensure that the tiles are firmly  grouted.
                                Remove all loose material.
                                                                             Allow 24 hours between coats. A final curing
                                Metal Roofs: Wire brush to remove  moss,
                                                                            time of 48 hours is adequate  at normal working
                                mildew, loose  paint,  and rust areas, then clean
                                                                            temperatures.  Ensure curing  is complete  before
                                surfaces with a broom  before priming.  High  laying thermal insulation boards, mechanical
                                pressure water brooming  may be used, if
                                                                            protection  and othercoverings if required.
                                                                            Low temperatures  and high atmospheric
                                                                            humidity  will slow down the curing  rate, and vice

                               SYNROOF HI-BUILD
                               REINFORCEMENT  tnroruc  rHE  pARApErs  & rF NEEDED  tN oLD
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