Page 5 - 1 - Synroof HB Technical Catalogue_Neat
P. 5

*     Synroof Hi-build is used extensively to
                   waterproof and extend the life of older
                    roofs as well as to waterproof  new roofs.
                    $ynroof Hi-build  applications often involve
                    re-coating an existing elastomeric coating
                    and roofs (which may be asphalt, built up,
                    modified bitumen, asbestos cement, or
                    terrazza tiles and concrete) Porches,
                    Patios, Walkways and Rarnps. The
                    substrate may be horizontal or inclined,
                    Synroof Hi-build is always easy and
                    convenient  to apply.

                    Synroof Hi-build is a panacea for all
                    problems. Not only do we get roof that is
                    "Bold and Beautiful', we also get a roof that
                    is significantly  easier and economical  to
                    maintain. Synroof Hi-build dares the
                    elements of  nature and performs                     Environment and user friendly,
                    consistently whilst other lesser coatings            non-toxic  & non-hazardous.
                    succumb to the attacks of nature.                a   Non-flammable as a liquid compound
                                                                     o   Easy to apply on irregular surfaces
                    The Synroof Hi-build roof is extremely           o   Permanent Flexibility, superior elastic-
                    aesthetic  in appearance  and is as beautiful        ity and recovery  properties.
                    as it is functional.                                 Cures to form a durable, taugh yet
                                                                         flexible and elastic waterproof
                    o   Complete protective and a waterproof             membrane.

                        coating.                                     .  ldeal answer to domes, corrugated
                    I   Provides a uniform, seamless and joint-          steel decks etc.

                        less membrane.                               o  Provide$ an attractive, lasting reflect-
                        Ensures complete  binding  with the sub-         ing waterproofing surface.
                        strate, hence preventing  water travel
                        beneath the membrane even if it is
  c  ,ii;i
                        f xcellent Durability and resistant  to
                        ageing & UV radiation.
                        Reflects more than 90% of the Sun's
                        radiation. That's more than eight times
                        more reflective  than typical gravel roof
                        surfaces and 15 to BA% more reflective
                        than aluminised  surfaces.
                        Lowers Roof Surface Temperatures
                        substantially, by as much a$ 2B'C in
                    I   Reduces  Building Cooling Loads
                    I   Helps in Hnergy Savings

                    o   Reduces  Electricity  bills
                    I   Accepts light foot traffic
                    I   Long term performance'over  a wide                      BLACK
                        temperature range, from -5'C to                        Ambient  temperatures  of about  20 deg C
                                                                      Roof temperature  related ta calour  of roof surfacing.
                        Ease of application
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