Page 2 - 1 - Synroof HB Technical Catalogue_Neat
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        Premium  Quality Acrylic  Waterproof  Coating
        MECHANICAL  PROTECTION                         5. Do not clean the cured SYNROOF  Hl-
        Accessible roofs. The installed  BITUMAT           BUILD coating with brooms that have
        SYNROOF  Hl-BUILD can either be covered by         hard bristles. These may cause damage.
        insitu concrete screed or by thermal insulation.  6. Do not use SYNROOF HI-BUILD on
        Place a non-woven  polyester  separation  layer over  areas  that will be constantly submerged
        the acrylic waterproofing  membrane  followed by   in water.
        appropriate  thermal insulation  boards. Then lay
        kraft paper or polyethylene sheets  as separation  CLEAN-UP
        layer over the insulation boards and  place the  As a good roofing practice, flush all hoses,
        topping  screed  of 4cm to Scm thickness  or suitable  equipment and tools with water immediately
        cementtiles.                                   after use.
        Non - accessible  roofs.  Place a non-woven     .  2okg, metal pails,  others on request.
        polyester separation layer over the acrylic
        waterproofing  membrane  followed  by the insulation  STORAGE
        boards.  Cover the insulation with another layer  .  Keep away from direct.sunlight  and
        non-woven  polyester  separation  layer and place  preferably store  below 30'C and above
        15/30 gauge washed  gravel to a minimum  depth  of  +5"C
        5cm. Forthicker insulation  boards, the gravel depth  .   Protectfrom  frost.
        should be at leastequal tothatof board  thickness.  .  When stored in unopened containers
                                                           expect a minimum shelf life of one year.
        1   Bitumen or asphalt roof surfaces to receive a  L  Toxicity -  non toxic and odourless.
            coating of BITUMAT SYNROOF  HI-BUILD           Flammability  - non flammable  when  wet.
            should be totally dry, Trapped moisture can lead  2. The cured film will burn but is not a fire
            to severe oroblems  later.                     hazard.
        2.  Neverapply if rain is imminent.             3. Skin contact  - Prolonged  contact  is to be
        3.  Application of thick coat at temperature below  avoided.  Use of a barrier cream or gloves
            +soC may result in incomplete film formation,  will orotect  sensitive  skins.
            with reduced  elasticity and the possibility  of  4.  Cleaning  - Remove  with water when  wet
            crackforming.                                  and  proprietary  hand cleanerwhen dry.
                                                            Medical  assistance - This should be
        4   BITUMAT  SYNROOF HI-BUILD is resistant to      sought  if BITUMAT SYNROOF  Hl-BUILD
            light foot traffic. However heavy traffic,  high
            heel shoes, furniture etc., will cause damage.  is ingested or rinsed with copious amount
            ln these cases the membrane should  be          of clean water.
            protected bytiles, slabs. etc.              o  Ventilation  to the working area is
         SNo       Property                      Typical Value                Test Method
          1  Solids Content, %                64 (+ t -1)                    ASTM.D-1076
          z  Viscosity,  CPS                  50,000  - 70,000               Brookfield
             Density,  Kg/l                   1 30 (+/0.05)                  ASTM-D-1475-16
                          oC                  +5 (minimum)                   ln-House Tesl
          4  Application Temp,
             Curing  Time, at25oC             Approx. B for touch dry        ln-House Test
          o  Service  Temoerature  "C         Approx. -5 to 100              ln-House Test
          7  Tensile  Strength, W/CM'         480                            ASTM-D-412
          8  Elongation, at Break  o/o        440                            ASTM-D.412
          I  Hardness, ShoreA                 68                             ASTM-D-2240
          10  Permeability                    Pass                           ASTM_E-398
             Dry  Peel Adhesion, lbs/sq. in                                  ASTM-C-297
             Flexibility            No Cracking of film when aged over 10 years  ln-house  Test
                                    weathering conditions and flexed  180 degrees
             UV Resistance          2,000 hrs. No deterioration, no colorfade  ASTM-D-822
             Colours                Stain  White & Grey, other colors by request
          16  Coverage              For 1 mm thick dry film allow  approx. 1 10 Kg/m'
         *lncorooration  of a reinforcement  considerably  increases  certain  drv film  properties
         Tha lnf6rmelion  diven in this  Technical  Data  Sheet  reflects  tvDical median  propertieproperties  based  on laboratory  test  and  practical  experiencg;  subject  to the tolerance
                                    reflects  tvDical median
         The Information  given in  this  Technical
         levelsofUEAtoAirectives  However,astheproductisoftenusedunderconditionsbeyondourcontrol,wecan'twarrantbuttheproductltselr
         inis  pueLtclrroNt  nuroH.lnrtcarlv  supEnseoes  nrr  pREVtous  PUBLtcATIoNS  RELATING  To rHls PRoDUcT.  MSD  05/2014
         BITUMAT  COMPANY LIMITED                  Disttibuted by :
         Corporate  Office : P O Box7487  Dammam  31462,  Saudi Arabia
         Tel:  (966-3)  8121210  Fax  : (966-3)  8121190
         Website  :  / email:
         Central  Region:  P.O  Box 58698  Riyadh 1 1 51 5 Saudi Arabia
         ];et: (O1l 477044314792553  Fax  : (01  )  4762318
         Western  Region:  P.O. Box  12605  Jeddah  21483  Saudi Arabia
         Tel :  (02)  6644449  Fax:  (02) 6640506
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