Page 50 - Eco Catalogue Oct 2019
P. 50


        Sussex Promotions is a small team of         Sussex Promotions contributing to over
        Branded Merchandise Experts.                 500 trees to date.

        We are genuinely enthused and                Trees are often described as the lungs
        want to share the eco-friendly               of the planet, but the restoring of
        options that are coming on stream            forests also delivers flora, fauna, wildlife
        to help fight the waste, particularly        habitats that perpetuate an enriched
        through the delivery of re-useable,          natural state that supports the
        retail inspired, desirable drinkware         planet but also provides an incredible
        solutions.                                   environment for humans to enjoy too.

        We also see Climate Change as our            Sussex Promotions are focused in
        planet’s greatest threat.                    delivering 1000 trees and engaging in
                                                     volunteering with this great project.
        As a business & employer we
        recognise the opportunity to         
        demonstrate pro-action that can
        & will make a difference and that is
        through planting trees.

        Since 2007 Sussex Promotions has
        been contributing to a Corporate
        Grove with Scottish charity Trees
        for Life. Trees for Life is Scotland’s
        leading conservation volunteering
        charity. Founded in 1989, the vision
        is to restore Scotland’s ancient
        Caledonian Forest to the Scottish
        Highlands. TfL is approaching the
        planting of its 2 Millionth tree, with
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