Page 49 - Eco Catalogue Oct 2019
P. 49


                                                                 ORGANIC COTTON                Eu Ecolabel
                                                                 according to international sus-  Greener  Products.  Ecola-
                                                                 tainable textile methods. The   belled p roducts  have a   com-
                                                                 entire p roduction  chain  from   paratively  modest  impact  on
                                                          100% CERTIFIED
                                                          ORGANIC COTTON                       air, water, soil, quality, natural
                                                                                     -         resource  consumption,  glob-
                                                                 factured  environmentally  and   al  warming  and  biodiversity.
                                                                 socially  responsible.  Audits   Products  must  pass  rigorous
                                                                 by an independent third party
                                                                 ensures credibility and trace-                   -
                                                                 ability.                      dependent  body.  The  label
                                                                                               adorns  top p erforming p rod-
                                                                                               ucts only.
                                                                                               License no. DK/016/049

                                                                 Fairtrade                     SA8000
                                                                                         T  A  B
                                                                                         N     SA8000 is based on the prin-
                                                                                         O  C
                                                                 Mark i s  your  independent   C  A     L  I L I TY I NTERNATI ONA L  ciples of international human
                                                                 guarantee  that  the  cotton  in   A  I  C  O  S  rights norms. It measures the
                                                                 this p roduct  has  been  certi-  performance of companies in
                                                                                    -          eight key areas: child labour,
                                                                 national Fairtrade Standards.   forced  labour,  health  and
                                                               safety,  free  association  and
                                                                 License no. 19007             collective bargaining, discrim-
                                                                                               ination, disciplinary practices,
                                                                                               working  hours  and  compen-
                                                                 Neutral® Responsibility       Oeko-Tex
                                                                 Renewable  energy p owers     The  Oeko-Tex  Standard  100
                                                                 the Neutral® production. That   comprehensively  addresses
                                                                 way, making Neutral® clothing   No. ZHGO 034436                  Testex Zürich  the  human  ecology  compo-
                                                                 contributes  to  cleaner  envi-  nent  of  textile p roducts.  It
                                                                                               evaluates  and  screens  for
                                                                 change.  In  times  of  surplus,   any harmful substances pres-
                                                                 energy  not  needed  for  pro-  ent within processed textiles,
                                                                 duction i s  directed  to  local   which  are  intended  to  come
                                                                 networks.                     into contact with consumers.
                                                                                               License ZHGO 034436
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