Page 8 - Cannon Integrated Outdoor Solutions 3Roda
P. 8
High grade maximum
compression door seals
provide up-to IP65 rating
and are easily serviced Low noise fans provide high pressure air
should they incur damage flow for cooling within equipment bay(s)
during operation. and temperature monitoring along with
intelligent fan speed control ensure
equipment reliability, minimum acoustic
Door stays are designed to noise, reduction of condensation and
withstand the necessary high performance thermal management.
forces associated with the
site location. Long Life, low maintenance filters
provide a high degree of IP rating along
with high efficiency.
Our stainless steel multi-point
locking system with stainless
steel lever handle lock and
hinges provides a high degree Optional cooling technologies
of security. Optional remote including air conditioning,
keyless locks provide NOC/ROC thermo-electric chiller(s) provide
to restrict access and monitor optimum temperature control
intrusion. for extreme and harsh
The addition of multi-layer
thermal barriers/insulation can
provide additional protection
from solar heat gain as well as
reducing the need for heater
operation during cold periods.
Multiple gland options are available,
these provide flexibility, a high degree
of IP sealing and potential changes to
cable configuration.
Additional accessories can be provided
19”, ETSI, wooden/metallic backboard or
customer specific mounting system.
13-amp dual RCB socket for use during
customer configuration and site Cabinets may be fixed on a concrete
testing/set-up. PAD via plinth or be root or
Consumer unit power distribution transformer root mounted. Other
including RCCB, MCB, Surge protection options include wall-mounting or
etc. with the installation of a Network
Krone frame and fibre optic cable Rail approve pre-cast concrete root.
Earth bar(s), internal lighting, door
contact switches for alarm/light control.
T : + 44( 0) 142 5 632600 | CA N N ON T E CH . CO. U K | S A LE S @ CA N N ON T E CH . CO. U K