Page 4 - BladeShelter
P. 4
Possible Aisle Confgurations
Bladeshelter Cold Aisle Containment
In the “Cold Aisle” cold air is confned within the closed
structure; this confguration provides the target temperature,
constant along all the front cabinet height. The hot air
extracted from the fans inside the server is fown in the
external environment and from there picked up and cooled
by the TecnoCooling sides which then convey the air in the
corridor. For installations in rooms with foor conditioning
system it is possible to adjust the fow of cold air inside the
Although in the literature the cold-aisle confguration is
combined with foor conditioning, the Bladeshelter solution
allows the use of in row conditioning. The basis of thermal
efciency and energy saving is the maintenance of a
temperature diference ΔT between inside and outside of the
partitioned volume. Typically, a temperature diference in
the range 12 to 15 °C allows to take the maximum advantage
from such a structure. The temperature of the room where
the aisle will be located can be handled through the existing
air conditioning systems or diferent systems sized on the
real thermal demand.
The temperature on the front of the racks in a cold aisle will
be constant at any height, as the partitioning eliminates the
thermal gradient normally existing. The fgure shows the
development of a thermal imaging highlighting the above.
The thermal gradient in a rack cooled with conventional
systems ranges from 18 °C to 32 °C at the top of the cabinet.
°C 18 20 22 25 29 32 35 38 42
In one aisle, the temperature remains constant at any height
according to the users’ settings. Thermal distribution in one rack inside
This is the most important characteristic of a cold aisle: a cool aisle with Tecnocooling
temperature and humidity are set by the user and they can
be kept constant (within an acceptable tolerance).