Page 49 - Dycem Main Brochure
P. 49

Edge Seal Illustration

                                                                                       BESPOKE LABELLING

                                                                                       We have the capability to visually display  display it using a bespoke QR code. Also,
                                                                                       install and replacement dates on your       for your added peace of mind our labels
                                                                                       Dycem installed areas, or discreetely       are slip resistant and DDA compliant.

                                                                                                                                                   ww ww ww.. dd yyccee mm -- cccc .. ccoo mm

EDGE SEALING                                                                                                                       0099--22001133  wwwwww..ddyycceemm--cccc..ccoomm
Dycem is the only contamination control flooring manufacturer that has a range of
sealing solutions available to match any sub floor and traffic conditions. Our fully
trained service technicians will assess the environment once installed and choose the
best sealing option for you, ensuring an impervious seal from our edging to subfloor.


    Depending on the environment, we use two types of edging sealant. These
    sealants help create a water tight barrier to halt water ingress underneath
    and hinder bacterial growth.

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