Page 46 - Dycem Main Brochure
P. 46


    CLEANING DYCEM                                            CLEANING WIPES                                        STEAM CLEANING
    Cleaning Dycem is a very quick and easy process.          At times some areas of Dycem may become more          In areas of extremely high traffic where gross saturation
    Simply clean as part of your regular wet cleaning         heavily saturated and ingrained with contamination    occur, Dycem offers a steam cleaning service to help
    schedule.                                                 than others.                                          eliminate and lift ingrained contamination (Only available
                                                                                                                    in certain countries, please ask for more details).
    We have specially researched and tested cleaning          Dycem offers specially designed cleaning wipes which
    solutions compatible to use with Dycem to ensure          help the removal of heavily ingrained contamination.     TIP
    longevity of your installation throughout its lifecycle.
                                                              Just agitate the contamination on the surface with a      Between cleaning Dycem can look dirty. This is
    Please contact us for more information on our cleaning    damp mop and squeegee dry. This physically removes        good news - otherwise particles and microbes
    solutions or other recommended products.                  the dirt and water residue leaving Dycem immediately      would be in your critical areas with the risk of
                                                              ready for further use.                                    contaminating your products and processes.

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