Page 42 - Dycem Main Brochure
P. 42


    DESCRIPTION                                                    APPLICATION                                                      DATA CENTRES - THE FACTS
                                                                   The application for this product offering will be for            Dycem’s access tiles are particularly important
    There are two product offerings in Dycem’s access              areas where segmentation of flooring is required. Dycem          in data centres.
    tile range:                                                    provides a significant business benefit to all key areas
                                                                   including:                                                       •	Studies show that 75% of hardware failures
    •	 A n inlaid access tile option where tiles containing                                                                           are caused by dirt.
       pre applied Dycem replace existing tiles in your            •	 Server rooms.
       facility. This is an ideal solution if there is a need for                                                                   •	One hour of downtime can cost an average
       a seamless flooring solution and access to cabling is       •	 Communications rooms.                                            of £300,000 (Source; IBM Today). In comparison
       required regularly.                                                                                                             to these figures, the cost of preventative maintenance
                                                                   • 	Critical IT environments subject to pedestrian                  is miniscule.
    •	A retro fit access tile option where Dycem can be              and wheeled traffic.
       easily and quickly installed on top of your existing tiles                                                                   •	The access tiles help reduce data loss, hardware
       and comes complete with an outer edging system to           •	 All entrances to prevent the ingress of contamination.           failure, dust explosions and zinc whiskers by
       allow unnoticeable transition on and off the area.                                                                              preventing dust and dirt entering your system.
                                                                   •	Inside the critical areas to reduce the amount
                                                                      of airborne particulates.

             600 mm (2’)                      600 mm (2’)                                600 mm (2’)

                                                                            600 mm (2’)

    35 mm                                                          35 mm                                               2 mm ( ⁄ ”)
    (1 ⁄ ”)                                                        (1 ⁄ ”)

    INLAID ACCESS TILE                                             RETRO FIT ACCESS TILE
    Inlaid into the access tile for seamless                       Retro fitted on top of exitsting access tiles.
    contamination control                                          Dycem is edged to allow unnoticeable transition on
                                                                   and off the area

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