Page 40 - Dycem Main Brochure
P. 40


    DESCRIPTION                                   The centre of the protectamat is            Protectamat placement is suited to            PEDDESEIGSNETDRFOIRAN
                                                  manufactured in a midnight blue to          smooth subfloors but works just as          LIGHT WANHD EELED
    Protectamat is a 7mm (1/4") thick loose laid  highlight contamination tracked by traffic  effectively on subfloor conditions such
    product which is designed for pedestrian      and is accompanied by red diminishing       as safety flooring and tiled flooring.           TRAFFIC
    and light wheeled traffic.                    leaders to allow a smooth transition on     This product offering is favourable in
                                                  and off the area.                           environments where frequent movements     TIP
    Due to its thickness the protectamat                                                      of the Dycem is required i.e. Semi Wet
    has a particular weight that allows it to     APPLICATION                                 areas where wet cleaning of the subfloor  Protectamats are an ideal
    remain in position within an environment                                                  is required. The protectamat can easily   supplement for SOPs in areas that
    without the need for adhesive. In some        Can be used in a variety of areas           be lifted and removed and cleaned         require removal and replacement
    circumstances including heavier traffic       containing pedestrian and light wheeled     underneath to stop bacterial growth.      of Dycem, so that subfloors can
    loads and frequencies the protectamat         traffic where the subfloor is smooth and                                              be wet cleaned.
    can be offered with self adhesive pre         undamaged. Heavy traffic loads over 100
    applied on the underside.                     kgs and equipment such as forklifts are
                                                  not suitable for this product.

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