Page 39 - Dycem Main Brochure
P. 39


                                                                                                           Mechanically fixed through
                                                                                                           the Dycem and subfloor at
                                                                                                           two separate points. Making
                                                                                                           the area strong and durable
                                                                                                           through its life cycle.

DESCRIPTION                                                    APPLICATION

The food grade 3mm (1/8") thick stainless                      Screwed firmly to your subfloor this
steel option is a great complement to                          edging solution is best applied in areas
the CZ02 product offering. Due to its low                      of high traffic flows and weight i.e. Pump
profile nature, travelling on and off Dycem                    trucks and forklifts.
is seamless for any wheeled traffic type.

There are options to have full surround                        100 mm (3 ⁄ ”)
edging or just the lead on and off. This
depends on your traffic flow across                                                                        Low profile, ensuring transition
the Dycem.                                                                                                 on and off the Dycem area is
                                                  3 mm ( ⁄ ”)

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