Page 36 - Dycem Main Brochure
P. 36


                                                                                      Diminishing edging strip
                                                                                      with a co-extruded solid red
                                                                                      band for clear demarcation

DESCRIPTION                                  APPLICATION

Our standard edging strip is anti-microbial  Dycem standard edging system is fitted
and comes in a 100mm (3 15/16") width.       with a double sided adhesive. It can be
Additionally, the edging comes with an       hot or cold welded and sealed.
anti-slip feature to ensure safe usage
when installed within your facility.

               2.1mm     (3 ⁄ ”)                                                      Edging no wider than 100mm
                 ( ⁄ ”)
                                                                                      (3 15/16") and sealed edge to
35                                                                                    edge - giving you 100%
                                                                                      contact area with Dycem

                                             Design right reg. no. 001355903-0001
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