Page 108 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 108

TY: Technology has improved quickly over the years;     today’s society as music is seen everywhere: shows,
                                                                                                                                   as a child, I grew up listening to music on the radio   commercials, movies, music videos, advertisements,
                           Music’s Message                                                                                         and worked my way through portable CD players and       and social media. Often, music and songs are kept in

                                                                                                                                   MP3 players. With the technology we have today, we
                                                                                                                                                                                           our minds without us realizing until years later, and
                                                                                                                                   can access and listen to music wherever and whenever    we remember the song of a commercial from our
                                                                                                                                   without very little difficulty. In a matter of minutes   childhood.
                                                                                                                                   or seconds, someone can listen to a newly released
                            Tamia Yates                                                                                            album on Youtube or other platforms; technology         ZGP: What would the world look like if there
                                                                                                                                   has definitely made it easier to gain access to music.
                                                                                                                                                                                           was not music at all? Is music more than
                  A Music Therapist Intern                                                                                         When creating music, apps, such as Garageband, have     voice and instruments? Can we find music in
                                                                                                                                                                                           other places?
                                                                                                                                   made it easier to create music without having to be a
                       with The Star Center                                                                                        musician or needing a studio to create music. More      TY: I think that without music, there is one less cre-
                                                                                                                                   resources have been created to give everyone a chance   ative outlet for people to explore and express them-
                                                                                                                                   to explore and experiment with sound.                   selves to the world. Without music, T.V. shows and
        ZGP: What made you want to become a mu-                 when reaching their goals. With lyrics, we can look at                                                                     movies will lose an element of their story as back-
        sician? Early influences?                               their meaning and relate the lyrics to our lives; with             ZGP: Can the world learn something from                 ground music can enhance the feelings that a scene
        TY: I grew up in a musical family. My dad is a pianist   melody, we use simple melodies like “Twinkle Twin-                the harmonious relationship between di-                 is trying to evoke such as suspense, joy, grief, etc. In
        and my mom is a church choir director, so I’ve been     kle Little Star” with younger children, but the melody             verse notes played together, rather than                a world without music, other art forms, like dance,
        surrounded by music since a young age. I always had     can be more complex when working with teens or                     alone?                                                  can be affected as well; if there isn’t even a rhythm to
        a love for music, and it was actually my own decision   adults. Each person is different and music affects us in           TY: Yes! When we think about how music is created,      follow, how will dancers adapt to this change? Music
        to start taking piano lessons at the age of 5; I’ve been   different ways, we just need to know and understand             we could think about how the notes work together in     is more than a voice and instruments as it can affect
        playing the piano ever since!                           how music affects us.                                              various contexts. Each note can play a different role   us on a deeper level, whether it is a positive or nega-
                                                                                                                                   in the grand scheme of music, and those roles can       tive effect; we use music for motivation, inspiration,
        ZGP: Any hobbies outside of music?                      ZGP: Is there a genuine connection between                         change depending on the other notes that it’s being     self-expression, upliftment, relaxation, and other
        TY: I’ve gotten back into doing crochet ever since      music and the soul or the mind? Is it trans-                       placed with. When alone, a note still holds its unique-  aspects in our everyday lives.
        the pandemic started; at one point, I was just making   formative? In what way?                                            ness and qualities; however, when placed in a chord,
        socks out of different yarns! I also like to draw every   TY: There is definitely a connection with both the               those qualities can be enhanced and all of the notes    ZGP: Can music unify people from diverse
        now and again, but it depends on how inspired I’m       soul and mind. We have research that is based on how               come together to create something grand. Although       backgrounds?
        feeling at the moment.                                  music is processed in the brain and how it can affect              a person still has their own abilities, background, and   TY: I absolutely believe it can! When working with
                                                                different parts of the brain as well. When I worked                qualities, those qualities don’t just disappear when    different groups on a day-to-day basis, I notice how
        ZGP: Can you define music therapy for those             with clients who had dementia, it was amazing to see               working with others; they become enhanced in their      each group is composed of different backgrounds and
        who may not know?                                       the moment of recognition when a song was played,                  own way. When working with other notes, sometimes       personalities; but when you play a familiar song, write
        TY: Music therapy is an evidence-based practice         and they would talk about a memory that they re-                   you might experience an unpleasant sound; even if       lyrics together, or work towards one goal, the group
        that uses music to reach non-musical goals. We work     membered from their childhood. As there are various                there is a disagreement with the group, the notes still   comes together no matter what type of background
        with many populations including newborns to older       aspects of music, such as melody, rhythm, lyrics, etc.,            manage to work together to create something, and the    each person has.  Music is also a universal phenome-
        adults, physical and mental disabilities, and all kinds   I feel that at least one of those aspects connects with          music can resolve in a positive note.                   non; no matter where you go, music plays some type
        of various diagnoses. You can see music therapists      a person more than anything else. I’ve seen and heard                                                                      of role in different cultures or backgrounds.
        working at hospitals, nursing homes, schools, etc.      people and clients say that lyrics are what they con-              ZGP: If there wasn’t any music to go by and
                                                                nect with in a song, and we can also focus on lyrics of            you had to create it – how would you start?             ZGP: In your opinion, in what ways can mu-
        ZGP: What are some of the therapeutic qual-             a song when working with clients. When discussing                  How important is musical influence? Today               sic spread kindness?
        ities for the performer and the listener?               lyrics, we sometimes focus on making a connection                  and going forward?                                      TY: The lyrics in music can help to spread kindness.
        TY: For the listener, music can be a motivator, inspi-  between the lyrics and our everyday lives, and those               TY: I would start by thinking about the purpose of      Each song has a message to give, and to some people,
        ration, creative outlet, relaxer, and other things. When   lyrics can truly help someone to overcome an obstacle           the music: is the purpose to make something that        the lyrics are what catch their attention when listening
        we use music in music therapy, we use those effects     or to reach a goal. Music can be transformative in this            sounds and makes me feel good? Is there a message I     to a song. If there are more positive messages being
        of music to help the client reach their non-musical     manner.                                                            want to give to others? Is it for me or others? After I’ve   spread to everyone, then, kindness can become more
        goal. As music also consists of rhythm, lyrics, melody,                                                                    established the purpose, I would work on what I want    widespread in society. Another way is that music can
        harmony, form, and the timbre of instruments, we        ZGP: How has technology increased access                           it to sound like and figure out which instruments,      bring people from different cultures and viewpoints
        utilize and manipulate these aspects when working       to music? Has it increased an ability for any-                     lyrics, rhythms, melody, harmony, and other aspects     together and create a safe space for everyone to just be
        with clients in order to help them be more successful   one to create music?                                               I would like to use. Musical influence is important in   creative.

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