Page 113 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 113

Music provides clients a path to experience vulner-
        ability without compromising safety. Lyrics spark
        conversations. Harmonies provide a sense of com-
        munity without a direct violation of privacy. Music
        therapy allows the client to address their discomfort
        and work through it within a safe place. Music ther-
        apy is non-judgmental, non-prescriptive, and based
        on client preference. It is these ideals that makes for
        proper participation and effective outcomes--healing
        over performance.

        Evolution and ease of access to music has enhanced                                       Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán
                                                                                                 Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán
        many aspects of therapy. Technology has increased
        opportunities for anyone to learn and create music.
 Photo by Moose Photos
 Photo by Moose Photos  In just a few steps, music can be made and produce a
 The Sound of Healing  sense of accomplishment. Today’s music is not re-
        stricted in any way. Music has become eclectic and

 Interview with Chrissy Watson by Tammy Yosich  inclusive. For example, country and rap music have
        recently blended and typical pop sounds can be found
 Written By RM Pearce, ZGP Intern  merging into contemporary Christian melodies.
        American music borrows from other countries and
        allows for a larger sense of community among diverse
 In 2012, Chrissy Watson made her way from North   ture, listening to podcasts and loving her dogs. She   individuals.
 Carolina to Jackson, Tennessee. Chrissy had such a   would happily show pictures of them on her smart-
 passion for music, she believed it could change lives.   phone with little prompting.   Throughout Chrissy’s career she learned how much
 Her arrival in Jackson was purely coincidental if you   power is held by music and the effect it has on people
 believe in such a thing. Watson was searching the   Part of her “self-care” routine included absorbing   in ways other therapeutic mediums may not. In music
 internet for a workshop for music therapy. Howev-  information. She kept herself updated on the chang-  therapy, clients engage in the composition process.
 er, what she stumbled upon was a job listing for the   es happening in music therapy. According to Chris-  Through this commitment, the brain willingly absorbs
 Star Center in Jackson and an opportunity to put her   sy, music therapy is an established health profession   information and lessons are learned through music to
 passion into action.   in which music is used within a therapeutic relation-  help the client resolve their struggles. Music is uni-
 ship to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and   versal. While one may not understand the language,
 “Jackson is the epitome of its endorsed   social needs of individuals.   everyone can hear the same tune. Music may be the
 name, ‘Hub City’ because everything is   medium in which kindness, compassion, and healing
 connected here,” Chrissy explained. Jackson,   According to American Music Therapy Association,   can unite us all.
 Tennessee is conveniently located between two ma-  “Clinical and evidence-based use of music interven-
 jor cities--Memphis and Nashville. One doesn’t need   tions help patients accomplish individualized goals
 to travel far within the Hub to find amenities and   within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed
                                                                      Photo by Rahul Yadav
 support. Jackson is home to several religious organi-  professional. Through musical involvement in a   Photo by Rahul  Y adav
 zations, educational institutes, healthcare facilities,   therapeutic context, clients’ abilities are strength-
 and both indoor and outdoor activities.   ened and transferred to other areas of their lives.
 Research in music therapy supports its effectiveness
 Chrissy knew in high school that therapeutic music   in many areas such as: overall physical rehabilita-
 was her calling. Educated at the University of Kan-  tion and facilitating movement, increasing people’s
 sas, she later completed a clinical therapy internship   motivation to become engaged in their treatment,
 in Texas. This exceptionally compassionate young   providing emotional support for clients and their
 woman became skilled in neurological rehabilita-  families, and providing an outlet to express their
 tion with music therapy. While music motivated her   feelings.”
 career decisions, she also found joy in nature, litera-

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