Page 129 - July ONLINE VERSION
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 tal health diagnosis to feel shame and embarrass-  It has the ability to educate viewers while also being
 ment for suffering from a natural and unavoidable   a life-saving therapeutic outlet for it’s creator. Art’s   THE NED
 affliction. They often feel that their diagnosis must   ability to educate helps cultivate the understand-
 be kept secret in hopes to avoid social ostracization.   ing needed to spread kindness. If artists can, upon
 Society doesn’t seem to realize that those who suffer   looking at a piece, make the viewer feel the emotions   MAY 5TH - JUNE 28TH, 2021
 from mental illness are typically normal people that   they felt while creating the piece, then there can be   MAY 6TH - ARTIST RECEPTION
 have a chemical imbalance caused by a lack of an   an understanding and a relay of mindset that can
 infinitesimal amount of a brain hormone and that   create empathy within seconds. If people can empa-
 with treatment and education, their quality of life   thize with those that suffer, then we can tear down
 can be restored. We all fear the things that we don’t   the walls of fear that pervade society.
 know. And, the only thing that can combat society’s
 fear (and all fears for that matter) regarding mental   Without these walls of suffocating isolation, those
 illness and those that suffer is education. I’ve wit-  with mental health issues can feel freedom to receive
 nessed in events that I’ve attended and from people   help without shame, they can be celebrated for their
 that I’ve met through my art that art can create a   courage to tackle an illness that affects every emo-
 kinder world. Art can create a beautiful scene that’s   tion of a person every single day, and they can freely
 so incredible that it makes a viewer feel it’s beauty.   educate others about the various symptoms they   About Joshua
 Art can create a scene so upsetting and vulgar that it   initially experienced while also giving information   Joshua Blankinship is a self-taught
 can create an empathy that didn’t exist in the view-  on the places and techniques that they’ve used to   visual artist (painter) from Medina,
 er before seeing the piece. Art can create a scene   best receive help. Artists and art lovers worldwide   TN. He's the originator of the art
 that relays information so easily and efficiently that   can participate in this societal awakening and they   movement known as "Impressivism."
 a piece can educate a viewer more quickly than a   can start promoting it today. There’s very little in this   His original style fuses vivid color and
 textbook.   world that’s nearly as kind as removing shame and   texture to visually express the mag-
 stigma for our friends, family, and neighbors that   nified feelings and emotions that are
 The power of art is limitless. It’s only bridle is cen-  suffer. Art is not just beautiful decor that matches   prevalent within his Bipolar Disorder.
 sorship and a lack of appreciation of what the arts   your couch, it’s the greatest visual messenger of   His art hangs in the homes of celebri-
 represent. I’d absolutely love to see a rejuvenation   emotions, feelings, and kindness that the world has   ties such as 2020 NBA Rookie of the
 of art within society. I’d love to see art classes return   ever known.  Year Ja Morant, NFL All-Pro Jurrell
 to every school. I’d love for every person to expe-  Casey, the estate of Rock and Roll Hall
 rience the release that creativity gives---and once   of Fame member Carl Perkins, the
 feeling that release, work to pass it on so that others   Tennessee Governor’s Mansion etc..
 may feel it, too. I’d love to see the visual unleashing   Creating, mental health advocacy, and
 of emotion through creative activities become a   JOSHUA BLANKINSHIP  family are his passion and the fuel that
 medical treatment for the mentally ill that’s just as   FINE ART STUDIO  feeds his motivation. He currently
 important as therapy and medication. But, society   has a solo exhibition titled: “Suicidal
 has a long way to go. And, until the day that a men-  Sometimes: the Art and Mental Illness
 tal health diagnosis becomes as socially acceptable   of Joshua Blankinship” at the Ned
 as a chronic migraine or arthritis diagnosis, I’ll be   McWherter Cultural Arts Center in
 using my creations to spread information and social   downtown Jackson, TN through the
 awareness.  end of June.

 I want my art and my story to advocate for others
 who don’t feel nearly as comfortable discussing their
 situation. I’d love for others that are in a similar   I’d love to see the visual unleashing of emotion through creative activities
 situation as myself to speak out about their issues.
 There’s nothing at all shameful about mental illness.   become a medical treatment for the mentally ill that’s just as important
 These are illnesses that are greatly influenced by   Scan to view all of Joshua’s magnificent paintings  as therapy and medication. But, society has a long way to go.
 genetics and there’s no reason why a sufferer should
 feel at fault. Art, in and of itself, is a unique action.   --- Joshua Blankinship

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