Page 131 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 131

Callie (Chicken Nugget) Young  There are Plenty of                                            Sophie Grace Yosich

 Shane and Shayla                                          Bob and Tammy Yosich
 Young lost their be-  Best Friends to be                  lost their beloved Zoe
 loved dog, Max, of                                        Grace, an eight-year-old
 eighteen years. Max   found at                            Golden Pyrenees, in
 was a sweet soul and                                      April of 2019 .
 brought them such
 happiness. After   Wagging Tail                           Tammy, an occasional
 losing Max, as many                                       volunteer for Compan-
 of us feel, the couple                                    ion Pet Rescue, was
 wasn’t sure they   Resort                                 called upon in January
 would ever be ready                                       of 2020 to collect three
 to welcome another                                        10-week-old puppies
 furry soul into their                                     from a home the trio
 hearts and home.                                          wandered up to in a
 In April of 2020,                                         rural area. Among the three was a fluffy golden mix pup, and
 Shayla was scrolling                                      holding the tiny fluff ball covered in ticks and cockleburs, she
 through Facebook                                          knew she knew she found her first ‘foster-fail”. She fostered the
 and came upon a picture of a black and white dog that caught her   three pups and at the end of the two-weeks delivered two of the
 attention – similar in color as Max and slightly bigger than him –   pups to the rescue group to prepare for adoption: keeping the
 on Jackson Animal Care Centers’ page.                     golden fluff naming her Sophie Grace.

 The beautiful pup made a mistake in her previous home that   It had certainly been a while since the couple had heard the pit-
 caused her to be an owner-surrender, stealing a chicken nugget   ter-patter of little paws, and a while since they have experienced,
 from a child. Shayla held the black and white furry pup and imme-  “puppy zoomies”, but here she was getting up at all hours of the
 diately started the adoption process. It was a long process because   night for potty breaks, attempting to teach the pup, and training
 the Jackson Animal Care Center makes sure the dogs have all   Sophie The Yosich’s decided to seek training and found Wagging
 their shots, spayed or neutered, and observe general temperament   Tail Resort and enrolled Sophie Grace in KinderDOGen.
 before going to their new home.
                                                           Once Sophie graduated, it was a no-brainer to keep the momen-
 The first couple of weeks were challenging, the pup now named   tum going and have her join the Doggie Daycare group. Sophie
 Callie (a.k.a. Chicken Nugget) had no training and was rambunc-  Grace still has zoomies and regular puppy antics but her atten-
 tious. Callie certainly kept the couple on our toes. It had been a   tion to commands and training is greater than they could ever
 long time since the couple had a young pup in the home. Back   have imagined.
 on the internet, the couple searched for area training programs
 and Wagging Tail Resort came up in the search. With all the   One day as Tammy was waiting in line to collect Sophie from
 enrollment procedures completed, Callie started KinderDOGen;   school, she noticed a young man with a black and white dog
 a six-week basic training program. The Youngs saw an almost   calmly by his side as he talked to a staff member. Tammy noticed
 instant improvement in Callie. The couple followed-up with all the   the pup’s tail started wagging excitedly followed by her whole
 training Callie was receiving from the staff at Wagging Tail and   body and in the distance, Sophie was being led toward the park-
 soon she graduated the program.                           ing lot. As Sophie got closer, both dogs were lit up with excite-
                                                           ment from what seemed like a long-awaited reunion; all though
 It was an easy decision to enroll Callie (a.k.a. Chicken Nugget)   the two had been in school together all day.
 in Doggie Daycare because she had done so well in the Kinder-
 DOGen program that the daycare would merely continue that   Rachel and Kaylynn explained Sophie Grace and Callie (a.k.a.
 training and socialization. Callie had been going for a while and   Chicken Nugget) are the best of friends and are rarely not seen
 the Youngs continued to hear about her classmate Sophie Grace   together. The excitement between the two did not surprise the
 and how you never saw one without the other. Callie had filled a   staff at all – it is the same excitement they see all day every day
 big hole in the hearts of the Youngs, remedying the notion they   that the two pups are together. As with any parent, the Yosich’s
 might never be complete again. They are so grateful for the Jack-  are grateful for the compassion and care shown each dog at Wag-
 son Animal Care Center and Wagging Tail Resort. In both organi-  ging Tail and for our Sophie Grace finding her best friend and
 zations, Callie found her way into their hearts and a best friend in   being accepted by the sweet Callie Young.
 Sophie Grace.

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