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lets. Be that vampire slayer but snap that wooden and
                                                                                                                                    splintery stake in half. Be brave and give this person an   We all have a pond’s worth of kindness constantly
                                                                                                                                    example of courage through kindness.                     working through a freezing and thawing in our hearts.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Just get a little bucket, retrieve a puddle’s worth of
                                                                                                                                    Look them in the eyes, past that glossing of walls       kindness from your heart’s friendly pond, and splash
                                                                                                                                    which they have erected for a defense and tell them      this kindness against the world. Watch the smiles nev-
         There is a stranger sitting across from you on the           Many fortunate people grew up with parents who                with the utmost certainty that things will be okay. Yes,   er freeze in the winter of global hardships.
         subway. That stranger probably needs a hug or                were there for them through the difficulties of               you are strangers, but because of kindness, the rubric
         perhaps a warm smile or friendly elbow bump in               growing up. Kindness was an unconditional gift                of strangers can vanish to reveal the new label of hu-   What gothic nightmare would this already troubled
         this time of the COVID pandemic. Even if there               given from family and friends. We know how                    mans. This could change their day and inject a conta-    world be without the celestial beacons of kindness? Let
         is an unsettling absence in their eyes. They could           much kindness helps, so it is important to make               gious sprouting of strength into their weakened and      the world never witness something so cold. Let your-
         have frizzled, unkempt, and greasy hair. Their               sure other people feel that as well.                          shriveled biceps of confidence. Embrace the monsters,    selves be brave throughout your embracing of strang-
         teeth could be yellow and jagged. Their limbs                                                                              envelope them. Let that lonely ghost know that they      ers. Revive smiles. Be that brave knight of kindness,
         could be wrapped in archaic clothes that have been           Kindness is a healing spell as bullying is a disman-          are not alone. They do not need to haunt themselves.     but wield no weapons, wield the gleaming words of
         stained by the gruelingly slow passing of thousands          tling and belittling curse. It is a shield against the                                                                 kindness as feathery and weightless as sunlight. Do
         upon thousands of years. They have been a mon-               raging and raining hurricanes of this world’s nega-           Be there in the middle of the subway, encouraging a      this, follow these suggestions of bravery, and watch the
         ster like this for a while; entombed in their own            tive happenings. Kindness lets the tears of the hurt          stranger who has let their eyeballs become glossed over   people around you become safer, happier, and kinder.
         worries. Yes, they could look scary, but, in fact, the       and broken stray from their eyes and melt back                with the clouds of doubt. Bat away that cloudy plating   Do not only be kind to strangers but be kind to your-
         scarier they look, the more likely they need that            into their slowly healing hearts. Kindness is a suit          of doom and bring in sunshine to that stranger. Watch    self. That will sharpen and strengthen your resolve to
         gesture of kindness.                                         of armor and an umbrella at the same time.                    the smile that will become unsheathed upon their face    change a harden world into a softer place.
                                                                                                                                    like a sword. That is a sign that they will be braver
         Now, this stranger does not have frizzled hair,              So, this person, sitting across from you on the               against their inner conflicts and such demons.           Watch the power of kindness illuminate everything as
         gnashing yellow shark-teeth, and disturbingly                subway, may have their own monster or ghost                                                                            your kindness lights up that stranger on the subway.
         unset eyes. This person could be a student, a well-          running amuck in their skull, pulling the strings             It does not even have to be an attention getting ges-    Ignore the growls and chilling howls of their monsters.
         groomed businessman, a lawyer, a teacher. This               of worry. It could be destroying them. What they              ture. It can be a simple greeting or words of encour-    Stand up, depart from your comfy subway seat, and
         person is a human being, not a monster. As you sit           are secretly dealing with in their own forms of               agement. “You got this.” “Stay strong.” Those are cli-   take valiantly placed steps towards a stranger in need
         there on the subway, staring at this person across           seemingly resilient silence, they cannot defeat on            che, cheesy even, but let your words of encouragement    with merely ten seconds of kindness. Open your arms,
         from you, you start to notice how well dressed they          their own. An inner conflict needs the occasional             drip into the cracks of broken hearts, settle, river down   open your hearts, and watch that person’s monster
         are, and how well kept they appear. What you do              offering of help. There is never a clear answer to            every scar and wound, and dry like cement in a final     shrivel, fade, and vanish in the most powerful lan-
         not notice, are the monsters inside of them.                 any problem which causes an emotional crisis in               act of selfless bravery. Walk away knowing you revived   terned hue of a human’s heart. Kindness always wins.
                                                                      anyone, but there is one thing that may help.                 a minute percentage of strength in a stranger. Go        It will always calm that werewolf among us. It will al-
         There could be a lonely ghost, trapped in the tower                                                                        home knowing that you may have just very well made       ways bring satisfaction to the sharks who crave feeling
         of their mind. There could be a broken heart in                                                                            someone’s day. This person may also do the same thing    cared for, and no one will have to be bit again. So be
         their chest. There could be an angry, frizzy haired,                                                                       to a stranger in the future, starting a fearless parade of   kind to that stranger on the subway.
         werewolf bashing about inside their body be-                                                                               spreading kindness.
         cause they have been wronged. There could be a
         great white shark swimming in their heart, and                                                                             Kindness is not a thing of scientific wonder. People do
         that beast is hungry for a word, a glance, a hint of                                                                       not need to tunnel deep into the wordy realms of psy-
         goodness among his fellows.                                                                                                chology to learn about being kind, and to learn about
                                                                                                                                    how awesome it feels to have someone be kind to you.
         Hidden monsters are terrifying. They slither                                                                               Kindness is a powerful bravery that sprouts and grows
         about inside of everyone. This modern-day world                                                                            from the heart. It can rocket out from strong hearts
         is brimming in a cauldron of depression and                                                                                and broken hearts. It belongs to everyone, thus should
         anxiety, hardship and heartbreak, sickness, and                                                                            be given to everyone. Cold people are capable of giving
         confusion. Hence why a different breed of mon-                                                                             and receiving this golden, yet free, form of protective
         sters has sprouted from the anxieties within the                                                                           magic.                                                      Nicholas Leonard is a 20-year-old novelist and poet.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 He has self-published gothic works such as Death
         modern-day man; harmless to us, but harmful to                                                                                                                                         Wears Epaulets, 40,000 Words and The Dreadful Dis-
         their owners. There is a curse upon them that has                                                                          Let kindness be the blade that slays and slaughters fear,   turbance Of Donald Dodfrey Dawn. His works seem
         never left them alone. Humans are familiar with              Kindness takes no power. It takes an immense                  hardship, and heartbreak forever. Use this light and         to be satire of situations from his life with immense
         the curse of a bad day, heartbreak, and hardship,            amount of bravery. Be that shivering and goose-               feathery paintbrush to paint smiles upon the faces and      dramatic and gloomy flares tattooing every word he
         but look back on those days and see if anyone was            bump ridden priest as he enters that hapless room             profiles of the broken. It is never a quick fix, but it is                 dares to write.
         there.                                                       of hellish mists and guttural growling. Be that               another piece of duct tape to hold a fracturing statue
                                                                      werewolf hunter but throw away those silver bul-              together for one more day.

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