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nice for them because they realize that if they do,        that you can do to show kindness. Even gestures
                                                                                                                                   they will receive what they want. Unfortunately,           such as opening the door for someone or helping
                                                                                                                                   this happens a lot in our society. Commonly re-            load their groceries into or out of a person’s car.
                            The Gold Standard for Kindness                                                                         ferred to as, for lack of a more official term, brown      The point is not about the gesture, but that you
                                                                                                                                   nosing. Kindness should be done out of honest
                                                                                                                                                                                              thought enough to extend the goodness of human-
                                                   By Donald L. Brown, Jr.                                                         selflessness and according to God’s urging.                ity to another.

                                                                                                                                   Some people perform acts of kindness to simply
                                                                                                                                   brag about what they had done for the benefit of
                                                                                                                                   recognition. This is not the way of genuine kind-
                                                                                                                                   ness. Kindness should be done without the hope of
        In this article, we will look at the true power of          positive feelings and can even bring about mem-                recognition or fame.
        kindness and how it can actually affect an entire           ories and so much more. It can stimulate certain
        community. We'll have a look at the many aspects            chemicals in our bodies that play a role in health.            Kindness doesn't have to be elaborate; it can be
        of kindness and discover how they can bring about                                                                          something really small such as paying for a meal,
        positive changes, both in an individual’s life as well      God shows kindness to everyone, good or evil. His              a kind word to a fellow human, spending quality
        as in the health and function of a community.               very nature is that of kindness. This doesn't mean             time with a friend, comforting family in times of
                                                                    that he won't judge them in the end, but He per-               trouble and so on. Believe it or not, it is these little
        Now we've all heard the popular phrase that says,           forms acts of kindness in the hope that the individ-           gestures of kindness that imprint an indelible im-
        "Do unto others as you would have them do unto              ual will turn from their wicked ways.                          pression in the mind of the encouraged, It doesn't
        you." The phrase comes from the Bible, and it                                                                              take long to find something that you can do that           There's just too much that one can do that can
        means just what it says. Everyone wants to be treat-        Now, there are individuals who will use the kind-              will brighten a person's day.                              actually brighten someone's really bad day, and
        ed right and everybody wants respect. However, you          ness of people to get what they want. However,                                                                            believe me when that happens, it is never ever
        can't demand respect. It must be earned.                    we come to the words of Christ who says that we                                                                           forgotten either. Just remember, that the small acts
                                                                    should do good regardless of the return. That is                                                                          of kindness are really enough, and it is those small
                                                                    very hard to take in. Why if they have had evil                                                                           things that hold the most power. The thing is; you
                                                                    done to them, should they be good to an evil per-                                                                         don't even have to know the person to be kind to
                                                                    son?                                                                                                                      them either. All you need to do is to simply do it
                                                                                                                                                                                              and see what happens.
                                                                    Kindness can go a very long way. Take the idea of
                                                                    Paying It Forward. This is a concept where you do
                                                                    something kind for someone and then that per-
                                                                    son goes out and repeats the gesture to somebody
                                                                    else and so on. This is a rather popular way of
                                                                    displaying kindness because it spreads so rapidly.
                                                                    The question remains: why perform kindness? Do                 Perhaps one of the most common acts of kindness
                                                                    you do it out of a genuine heart or do you do it               that I have seen people do is to pay for someone's
                                                                    to get something back? Unfortunately, the reason               meal at a restaurant. I have even seen this kind
        Kindness, on the other hand, is something that              why people may do something kind is for a fruitful             of thing done in drive through lines at places like
        doesn't necessarily have to be earned. It is some-          return.                                                        McDonald's where the car in front paid for the
        thing that is performed regardless of the situation.                                                                       meal of people right behind them. Just think for
        What does kindness do to an individual or to a              True Christians don't do this. They are kind with-             a moment that entire line of cars with everyone               Donald L. Brown, Jr. is 56 years old and lives
        community to whom it has been delivered?                    out hoping for anything back in return. This is the            paying for the meal of the person behind them and            in Beaumont, Texas. Brown is legally blind but
                                                                    way that it is supposed to be. If you do an act of             so on. Imagine what that would look like!                    has never allowed that impairment to dampen
        When was the last time someone did something                kindness to get something back, then is it really an                                                                                      his ability to write.
        kind for you? What did it feel like? Were you excit-        act of kindness or more of a selfish gesture?                  What kinds of simple things can you do for people?
        ed, happy, elated, grateful or speechless? Most peo-                                                                       It all depends. Taking the time to listen to some-
        ple who have had kindness shown to them feel very           Take for example when children really want some-               one, offering to pick up something from the store,
        happy, speechless, and moved. Kindness stimulates           thing from their parents. They may do something                or providing for necessities are just a few things

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