P. 22

Pay it Forward                                                                                                        the participants did not have a long history of drug     have the drive to open up any restaurants, nor do I
                                                                                                                                   addiction and that they had relatively decent chances
                                                                                                                                                                                            think I could try and study every homeless person I
                                                 By Corben Horton                                                                  of success if given the money.                           come across, so those options are out. However, with
                                                                                                                                                                                            that said, there are a few more options available.
                                                                                                                                   So, should you still give money to that random guy       Visit a nearby community center in your city. Ask
                                                                                                                                   sitting on the street who looks like he was born         if there’s any upcoming social projects that you can
        Ever been down on your luck? Nearly all of us have       the focal point of the Big Apple, right? Wrong. In an             there? That’s for you to decide. However, the data       sign up for or any way you can donate.
        at one time or another. You miss your bus and run        article by that covered some of the                 is in with regards to those who just happen to have
        late for your work; you get a flat tire and don’t have   most expensive places to live in the United States,               experienced a bit of bad luck, and helping them back     The internet has also made finding places to donate
        the right tools to fix it; your short on cash and strug-  Manhattan ranked 20/20 on their list with the cost of            on their feet is highly possible.                        much easier, but that presents a new challenge: how
        gling to make ends meet. It’s in these times of need     living being 145.7% above the national average and                                                                         do you know which ones are going to produce the
        that the little things people do for us mean the most.   an unemployment rate of 16% out of a population of                                  Cheap Pizza                            most benefits? Utilize Google to find good charities
        Something as small as a warm meal or a couple dol-       1,628,701.                                                                AND Helping the Homeless?                        that share your personal interests. Five minutes or
        lars can make your entire day.                                                                                                                                                      less of research should be enough to tell you what
                                                                 This makes the existence of these restaurants even                I know what you’re thinking: “Pizza, again? What’s       you need to know about the charity, and then you
        You might be surprised to find that New York             more spectacular. Pizza lovers around the world sa-               with this guy?” But hear me out! A Philadelphia man      can even check if they have a brick and mortar estab-
        City—the place of rat-filled subways, soaring sky-       lute you, 99¢ Fresh Pizza, for making those delicious             named Mason Wartman left his office job to open a        lishments near you.
        scrapers, and pedestrians yelling “Ay, I’m walkin’       slices cheap and available.                                       unique restaurant. It’s a pizza place that implements
        here!”— has a chain of some amazingly cheap                                                                                the idea of “pay it forward” by enabling customers       If you want to go the extra mile, you can create
        restaurants.                                                              The Homeless                                     to purchase pizza slices for future customers. Mason     petitions for problems you see in your society and
                                                                                 Person Dilemma                                    has them write whatever they wish on a sticky note       encourage your fellow citizens to sign it so that you
                          99¢ Fresh Pizza                                                                                          when they make the future purchase, and then he          can present it to your mayor or other governmental
                                                                 What do you do when you see a homeless person                     sticks it on a wall where customers in need can come     leaders.
                                                                 holding a sign? You probably avoid their eyes, walk               in, grab the note, and exchange it for a free slice of
                                                                 past them as fast as you can, and try to forget about             pizza. Crazy, right?!                           is an organization which works
                                                                 the uncomfortable experience altogether. After all,                                                                        to provide food for the hungry in America. You can
                                                                 there’s nothing we can do, right?                                                                                          donate online and it even allow you to fundraise and
                                                                                                                                                                                            volunteer in your community. If you know some-
                                                                 Well, according to a  CNN article about a recent                                                                           one who could use this organization’s help, please
                                                                 study in Canada, this may prove otherwise. Re-                                                                             help them access the website as it has locations listed
                                                                 searchers carefully selected participants in the age                                                                       where they can get food via Feeding America. This
                                                                 range of 19-64 who had been homeless for an aver-                                                                          really is a great organization, and it’s one that I rec-
                                                                 age of six months and gave those in the test group                                                                         ommend for anyone concerned with those who are
                                                                 approximately $5,700 in U.S. currency. They also                                                                           going hungry in our nation.
        For those of you who have been to New York City,         observed a control group which did not receive any
        you know that the price of pizza isn’t cheap. Nypost.    money but also met the same criteria as the test
        com says here: “According to the pizza-delivery          group; the findings were astonishing.                             The restaurant is called Rosa’s, and it’s working
        platform Slice, the average price of a standard 18-                                                                        miracles for the rising homeless population of Phila-                          Corben Horton is an
        inch pie in NYC is $16.98, while a 12-inch specialty     Those who received the money were able to find                    delphia. Mason’s work is truly inspiring, and it begs                          undergraduate student at
        version hovers at $19.23. In neighborhoods such as       housing sooner than those who did not, their drug                 the question of what entire corporations could do on                           Oklahoma State University
        the Lower East Side and the East Village, the price      and alcohol purchases decreased, and many of them                 their own without the help of customers who “pay it                            with a major in Creative
        of pizza has grown 7 percent from 2016 to 2017.”  It     fulfilled desires they had possessed while previously             forward”?                                                                      Writing.
        seems impossible that there could exist a place to       too poor to do so, such as fixing their car to have
        get a cheap slice of pizza—and yet it’s true. There      reliable transportation to their job.                                              “Takeaways?”                                                  He has self-published two
        are several restaurants in NYC by the name of “99¢                                                                                          Do you mean                                                   books and hopes to contin-
        Fresh Pizza” that sell pizza slices for a dollar.        This has a major impact on how we think of home-                                     “takeout?”                                                  ue producing more in the
                                                                 less people, as many believe that giving them money                                                                                              future.
        While some might claim that although New York            would only yield negative results. Of course, it must             I bet you’re wondering what you can do to help con-
        City is expensive, surely this doesn’t extend beyond     be clarified that the research also made sure that                tribute to the overall goodness in the world. I don’t

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