P. 26

Christmas Kindness, Everyday                                                                                Kindness is simply being polite and smiling. Sometimes,
                                                                                                                                   we forget how powerful a smile is. Take time out to en-

                                                       By Mallory Boykin                                                           joy the contagiousness of laughter.
                                                                                                                                   The world that we live in is fast paced. Kindness and
                                                                                                                                   compassion often take a back seat to selfies, self-interest,
                                                                                                                                   and expendable human interest. Every person is waiting
        When I think of "The Power of Kindness," I think of   They say that character is your actions when no one is               to become visible to the world, but this is not the key to
        Christmas. Christmas is my favorite season because    watching. Similarly, kindness operates the same way.                 true happiness. Yet when they attain the worldly success
        it is a season for giving, reflecting, and growth.    Technology has allowed us to view acts of kindness. For              of visibility, they often long for their former life, under-
        Christmas is a time when families get together,       example, there is a video online of a Waffle House em-               estimating the trappings of notoriety.
        eat, and laugh. While some are gathered during        ployee who took the time to cut up a struggling, older
        Thanksgiving, there is a different experience about a   gentleman's food; the employee was unaware someone                 Kindness is often born out of tragic events. Sadly, it
        Christmas gathering. I don't know if it is the snow,   filmed her. Later, her act of kindness was posted to                takes the passing of a family member to bring the family
        but there is something so peaceful and serene about   social media.                                                        together. Tragic events are usually discovered from a
        the kindness that comes from humanity at this                                                                              social media posting rather than from ongoing commu-
        particular time of year.  The essence of Christmas is   Conversely, some people stage acts of kindness to be               nication with family and friends. When we get busy and
        "the air of Christmas joy"; it's that feeling of sinceri-  captured, not for virtue but for going viral; perhaps           overwhelmed, we forget to take time for those closest to
        ty, generosity, and kindness.                         kindness is kindness but, staged kindness does not need              us.
                                                              to be self-promoted.
                                                                                                                                   Kindness is making a genuine and conscious effort to      The Aum Nation Pinterest
                                                              Kindness can also be as simple as a smile, a nod, waving             stay close to those we love. A constant striving to be-
                                                              hello. Simple gestures of kindness can turn someone's                come a better person, one who can see the suffering in
                                                              day around.  If you see someone struggling, extend a                 others and compassionately reach out to help. That is
                                                              no-strings offer to help. Performing good deeds should               the power of kindness, knowing when someone needs
                                                              be because you are able and expect nothing in return.                help and being there for them because it is the right
                                                              Many people have found themselves in a position where                thing to do.
                                                              they need help and are afraid to ask. If we could keep
                                                              the Christmas spirit all year long, maybe we could see               Our lives are not our own. Six degrees of separation is
                                                              those who struggle daily and offer support.                          a social construct that suggests we are all no more than
                                                                                                                                   six social connections away from each other. While it
         Photo Credit: Solana Beach, CA Website                                                                                    seems crazy in theory, think about it. Your social media
                                                                                                                                   pages are full of connections from high school, college,
        Christmas is the time of year when the world is                                                                            coworkers, friends, and family. Technology quite pos-
        genuinely concerned for a neighbor and is more                                                                             sibly has closed the separation gap because of social
        willing to help others when the world is slower                                                                            media connections; a 'friend of a friend' is closer than      Mallory Boykin is a single mother that
        paced.  Even with the madness that surrounds Black                                                                         you think.  All of this proves we should do our due           lives in Columbus, Ohio with her six-
        Friday, things are calm and serene by the Christmas                                                                        diligence to take better care of each other socially and      year-old son.
        season. Perhaps the slower pace of the season allows                                                                       emotionally.
        humanity to reflect on where we are and where we                                                                                                                                         She works as an Instructional Assistant
        are going.                                                    Eileen Kennedy Moore Pinterest                               We should work to help each other to become better            and Daycare Administrator. She holds
                                                                                                                                   versions of ourselves; it does not have to be Christmas       a MA.T and MS in Early Childhood
        For many, it is the beginning of believing in them-   Fear prohibits people from following their dreams, from              to be kind. If we take the time to be kind to one another,    Studies. She has been in education for
        selves, taking a courageous step into the future.     traveling, succeeding, and asking for help. Asking for               smile more, hold the door for a stranger, and really get      14 years. She enjoys watching movies,
        Sometimes believing in yourself is the hardest step,   help takes courage because fear walks you through a                 to know your neighbors, then the world could become a         anime, and enjoys the quirky conversa-
        but if you are brave enough to step out in faith, you   series of ‘what if scenarios' and cements your voice from          better version of itself. Go ahead, pay it forward! It is the   tions with her students. Her spare time
        will find life's sweetest rewards. You will find, collec-  asking for the help you need. Fear focuses on the nega-         small, random acts of kindness that will literally make a     is spent doing research and working
        tively, that most people are gentle and kind.         tive, but courage says, "Go ask. You might be surprised              world of difference.                                          on SEL curriculum and co-hosting the
                                                              at the number of positive responses."                                                                                              ECE Circle Time.

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