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since you don’t know me but if you really think           Annette smiled, exuding an aura of wisdom that
        about it, we are often more candid with strangers...      one usually achieves with years of experience. “It’s
 Kindness: The Underrated Superpower!  maybe because there is a sense of security in being   not your fault if you feel this way, it’s your genera-

 By Fatema Mala  unknown to them.” Sara smiled knowingly. In the   tion. Everyone’s life is out there like an open book.
                                                                  Each one of you is compelled to stay on top of the
        brief awkward silence that followed, Sara conclud-
        ed that the lady was absolutely right. After a little     waves of life in today’s tech savvy world   fulfill-
        interlude of silence, Annette introduced herself          ment is only attained if your life and events taking
        formally and Sara warmed up to the idea of sharing        place in them can in some way be reciprocated
 he wind whistled through the woods as   She kicked her foot and a little rock hurtled ahead,   the afternoon with an interesting stranger.  with “likes”, followers, and acknowledgement on
 Sara made her way towards her own private   falling into the gushing stream below. The ripples   social media platforms. There is no harm in that, as
 Tlittle haven away from all the chaos of life.   created reflected the tears of frustration flowing   “I wasn’t always this intuitive,” Annette laughed   it is the world we all live in today but remember to
 She wrapped her coat a little tighter around her as   down her cheeks. She just had a lot on her plate as   coyly. “Most of my life I have been a self-absorbed   strike a balance. Do not compare, rather make the
 she made her way through the last couple of trees   usual and although her husband was supportive of   crab, an over achiever who felt that money was a   most of your blessings, create your own individual
 between her and the crystal blue of the gushing   her dreams and genuinely tried to help, sometimes   viable substitute for anything. I was so wrapped up   paradise. From what I hear, you are a very caring
 stream. To her relief she had a substantial amount   he just couldn’t understand the guilt, frustration,   in the world around, equipped with the ill-advised   individual, your only folly is that you want it all.
 of time here today, to recharge, sort things out   and emotions that bubbled within her being. Men   notion that my achievements made me superior in   Do you think your children care about a magazine
 and remember fondly the meeting with a com-  truly are from Mars, she thought despondently!  society. It controlled me to the extent that I missed   worthy house or parties thrown to perfection…they
 plete stranger, who was instrumental in changing   out on the most valuable thing in life...which is the   just want their mom, her attention and love your
 her perspective on many things. She smiled as she   “Troubles in paradise?” asked a voice. Sara was   journey of life itself! In my quest to achieve goals, I   presence cannot ever be substituted by anything.
 thought... sometimes miracles are just good people   startled to the present by the silhouette of a woman,  Photo Credit: UnSplash @pidangzi  sidelined the most beautiful relationships that life   Remember that. It is the only true thing that hon-
 with kind hearts!  who was standing beside her.  offered me…my husband, children, family. They   estly matters!”
        certainly are the most understanding people of all,
 A year earlier…  “Where in the world did she come from?” thought   and I always balanced my guilt by showering those   Annette went on to explain how she had only fo-
 Sara.  around me with wealth. I was oblivious to the fact        cused on her career and sidelined everything else,
 Sara settled herself on the mossy green patch and   that the presence of a human soul cannot be sub-  all that which actually mattered, creating such an
 leaned against the majestic weeping willow, which   “Sorry, I couldn’t help but notice that you look a   stituted with material things. All people yearn for   emotional void that the pain and regret still stung
 provided her shade from the sun but also allowed   little distressed,” she said coming closer and settling   those little moments doing those completely ordi-  her in those very personal moments of solitude.
 the sunlight to peek mischievously through, oc-  herself besides Sara, who positively felt annoyed at   nary things, just being there for them, giving them
 casionally. She leaned back and closed her eyes,   her impudence.  your time, sharing your soul…these are the things   “Savor each and every moment with the people
 relishing the peace that surrounded her, until her   which eventually make the deepest impact.”  around you and please don’t overthink things that
 mind went racing back to the tangle of thoughts   “I am Annette, and you are?” she asked, putting   are beyond you. Relax, let go and while you are do-
 that wrapped her entire being!  forward a well-manicured hand. She seemed to  She abruptly stopped speaking and Sara noticed she   ing all the things that need to be done, don’t burn
 be in her early fifties and Sara couldn’t help but   was wiping away tears and thus felt obliged to po-  yourself out! Remember to feel the breeze, smell
 How did she get to this point! All her life she had   notice how elegantly the lady was dressed. An ol-  litely ask if everything was alright. Annette shot her   the roses, enjoy the patter of rain so that you can
 had a clarity in vision and had worked with dedi-  ive-green turtleneck with cream-colored khakis, ac-  the painful look of a person who has realized...that   recharge your soul too.”  Sara looked at Annette,
 cated enthusiasm to get to this point. The sacrifices   cessorized by a very chic earth tone scarf. It wasn’t   once the sands of time have slipped through your   trying to absorb the wisdom, which felt God sent.
 she had made before her marriage; studying to the   a wonder why she had missed her; the lady literally   hand, the only thing they leave behind is regret.
 crack of dawn, missing out on parties, social events   was camouflaged in the scenery.  “You see, I lost my mother a couple of years ago
 and after she had found her Mr. Right…she had   Sara gradually let Annette in on her anxieties, fears,   and although at the time I believed I was providing
 juggled hard to cater to her husband and kids... a   “I’m Sara,” she replied awkwardly, as she shook   shortcomings--  her with the very best of everything it was much lat-
 constant race against time, to achieve her dreams,   hands and hastily began to wipe the tears off her   er that I realized she actually yearned for something
 while striving to be the perfect wife and mom. How   face. So much for unwinding privately she thought,   “I just want it all I never felt like this before my   else. My busy schedules and globetrotting are what
 could she have missed getting such an important   scowling sideways.  kids. I knew what I wanted to do, where I wanted   kept me from seeing her my mother, who should
 contract at this point in time? Such an opportunity   to be. As hard as the struggle to achieve it is, I also   have been my topmost priority …,” she choked
 in her career would have been an entry ticket to   “I apologize for intruding like this,” Annette said   want to be the picture-perfect mom whipping up   back her words in her throat.
 where she envisioned herself to be! Yet in a paral-  apologetically, while Sara reprimanded herself for   delights like they show on Pinterest or throwing
 lel universe she chided herself for being late to her   her crude display of facial expressions.  these delightful, themed parties! Sometimes I feel as
 daughter’s Kindergarten musical…What had she   if I am failing everyone and that just crushes me!”  Continued Next Page
 done to her driven, focused self!  “I am a believer in not wasting time. I know it’s odd

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