Page 171 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 171

Miley Cyrus and Pharrell Williams music, and even   That encourages me. When I think about times in
 a few original tunes as well.  my life in which people who are different than me
        get on my nerves, and when I feel like I just can't                          Old Soul, New Shoes
        stand it, I'm reminded of the imagery of a barber-
        shop chorus. Tenors and baritones usually have            else? I don’t think that is what we were designed to
        these really funky parts that just don't seem to make     do. Some of our kids have no idea as to what real
        sense on their own, but when you take a step back         community is anymore because they are so focused
        and look at the whole, you get something so beauti-       on the self. Community isn’t collecting likes and fol-
 J O N A T H A N    ful. It reminds me to be thankful for all of the parts   lowers on social media, but rather, coming together

 G R E E R  that you have in a song, or in a business, or in a    in joy, tragedy, and times of change with others who
                                                                  you are close with. In music, we find this energetic
                                                                  community. There is hope that, through music, we
        ZGP: Can music make us better humans?                     can discover our different “notes” and come together
        JG: I had a really good conversation with a friend re-    to create a more inclusive world.
 Old Soul, New Shoes
        cently about the importance of storytelling through
        song. There’re some songs that resonate with you in       ZGP: Is there a genuine connection between
        a way that seem to offer great explanations for what      music and our soul?
 By Tammy Yosich  I also serve as the music minister at Highland Park   bigger questions that make you want jump in even   ed to my love and appreciation of music. Let me
        you're feeling, but yet at the same time propose even
                                                                  JG: My undergrad degree in philosophy is connect-
 Church. We do everything from older hymns to
        deeper. “What does this mean? How do I really feel
                                                                  answer this question in two parts. The philosopher
 more modern contemporary worship. I get called
 into the studio every now and then with a friend of   about it?"   in me wants to answer that question this way: even
                                                                  if there is no such thing as a soul (disclaimer for the
 ZGP: Where did music start for you?  mine who runs a studio in Memphis. Between all of   In the same way a mentor can offer advice to a stu-  materialists), every interaction you have changes
 JG: I’d like to think that it began in middle school   that and my pet projects, it keeps my musical plate   dent or a pupil, music can offer advice to its par-  your brain chemistry in some way. One would have
 drumline, but I think back to even further than that.   full.   ticipants. This includes both the moral lessons that   to admit that, in no other discipline–creative or
 What really started it for me was a video game demo   come along with the subject matter of music, and   otherwise–except for music, does the participation
 that came in the mail as a part of a subscription, and   ZGP: You don't get harmony if everyone   also one’s participation in the music itself. Learning   of the activity light up every region of your brain:
 the demo that month was Guitar Hero. I think that   sings the same note. What does that mean to   to work together with others and not always trying   creatively, mechanically, logically, emotionally, and
 was my first introduction to music. The developers   you?  to be the biggest, loudest sound out there is very   on and on. All these factors come together in music:
 chose songs like classic rock tunes, so that became   JG: I got to participate in the Casey Jones Barber-  important!  creating the music, understanding the mechanics of
 my first love of music, right from the get-go. My   shop Chorus. I directed the group for about 6 years   the relationship between the keys and notes, and the
 mom played violin and guitar, and sang a little. My   or so and sang with them even before I had come   Music is fundamentally cooperative, where you have   logic in the message one is trying to convey through
 dad sang as well.   on as director. In barbershop, you have four voice   a group of people coming together to create some-  the music, the passion put into playing. Thus, when
 parts that come together: the lead, the baritone,   thing beautiful. Ironically, music implies difference,   you have all these neurons firing at the same time,
 ZGP: Who are your musical influences?  the tenor, and the bass. All of those voice parts are   yet brings together diverse folks to listen to the same   at the end of a jam session or concert, you have this
 JG: Music is one of those things that you can pick   singing completely different parts. If you were to   tune or create a song or rhythm. The structure of   sense of awe. That is personally transformative, even
 up a new influence wherever you go. Stevie Wonder   sing barbershop by yourself, you'd get some terrible,   music itself has chords, which typically are con-  for those who claim the idea of a soul is silly.
 is one of my favorites. He has great music; no mat-  awful sounding music. It's only when you bring all   structed from three very different notes, but when
 ter what you like, you can find something of his to   four of those voice parts together that you get this   they come together, they create this harmonious
 enjoy. Others of note are the Allman Brothers, old   overwhelmingly beautiful thing that comes from the   sound. Thus, through the connection of music, hu-
 and modern jazz musicians, and of course Stevie   harmony.  manity could model vibrant difference, yet practice
 Ray Vaughn. There's a whole hodgepodge of people   being harmonious as a whole.
 and influences that have come together to flavor my
 music.   In American culture today, the dominant narrative
        is that everyone wants to be the biggest individual
 I have a group called the Jackson’s Hubtet from right   they can be. How can I attain the largest number of   Put from a more personal perspective, I believe that
 here in Hub City. The five of us perform old country   followers on social media, be the one everyone looks   there is a huge connection between music and the
 and jazz, like Patsy Cline, Louie Armstrong, and Ella   to, have the trendiest style, and how can I strive to   soul, which does exist. One of my favorite jazz tunes
 Fitzgerald type music, all the way to more modern   do so much on my own that I don’t need anyone   Continued Next Page

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