Page 173 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 173

J O N A T H A N   G R E E R

 Old Soul, New Shoes

 is “Basin Street Blues”, a song written during a time   perspective, and life's stories. To assume you know      Your Support Helps
 when people of different racial groups in the US   everything is to know nothing.
 would rarely have come together. My favorite line
 in the song is, “Basin Street is the street where all   ZGP: I’m going to give you two words and     Save Lives

 the white and the black folk meet, down in New   ask that you use them in a sentence – music
 Orleans, the land of dreams.” Music is the connec-  and kindness.
 tion that can even bridge racial divides. Recently,
 our band played a gig at a pizza place in Franklin,   With chapters in all 50 states, AFSP is leading the fight in suicide prevention.
 Tennessee. The night before, we were invited to a
 local downtown home that was converted into a   We create a culture that’s smart about mental health through education and
 restaurant/bar, and they had this performing stage   community programs, research and advocacy, and support for those affected
 on one side of the house, had the restaurant/bar in   by suicide.
 the middle, but then they had this little back room.
 This back room was filled with guitars on the wall,
 a piano, and some percussionist instruments, and   Tennessee
 ownership encouraged patrons to pick up an instru-
 ment and play together. In this room was a diverse
 group of folks, calling tunes and jamming together.   26                       $275,217

 So, I do believe there is a connection that music
 encourages, between others and specifically that ele-  AFSP awarded new grants worth   Donations
 ment that is so central to our conception of the soul.   more than $6.2M
 A couple years ago on Christmas, my grandmother
 Norma Sue, before she passed from Alzheimer’s, was
 celebrating the holiday with us.  She didn’t remem-
 ber our names or even why she was there, but, when
 I sat down at the piano and played the old hymn, “At
 the Cross”, she immediately knew every single word   Jonathan Greer is not only a talented musician,   26   100   10
 and sang along with it. Honestly, there was nothing   but he is also a remarkable young man. Greer has
 else that could have reached into her diminished   chosen a path to reach out to hurting people and
 memory and pulled that out of her, like music and   make a difference through his ministry of God's   Talk Saves Lives   Volunteers donated   Walks
 like that song did. It brought me to tears.   love and promises. At only twenty-four years old,   programs delivered   their time to
 he is unlikely to give way                                #StopSuicide
 ZGP: Can music make us better humans?  to the world through social
 JG: I think that we are, by nature, creative individu-  media, the press, or even
 the plethora of negativ-
 als. We like to make and do, be it music, art, or some
 other medium. We are creators of space. I think that   ity that might surround   46   5
 music reveals some unique implications as to why   him. ZGP Magazine is
 we are here. For me, music is probably the most   grateful to have been able
 creative space I inhabit.   to sit down with Greer to                      International Survivors of Suicide
 discuss music, life, and   State Capitol Days AFSP hosted                  Loss Day events

 We don't have to be the island of ourselves. We are   pathways to living a simple   in 46 states across the U.S.
 our best when we come together. We flourish when   life through Christ.
 we rely on one another for one another's expertise,   Greer truly is an old soul
 in new shoes.
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