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Lessons on Kindness and Its Power With any act of kindness, there needs to be some self-ex- his anger toward their father, who would not kill the fatted
amination of our motives and intentions. Love needs to be
cow for him. One perspective is that the elder son deserved
By Sean Stewart at the root of all our actions instead of drawing attention to be celebrated for his righteous living. The younger son
to ourselves. It is very troubling for a person to sacrifice his
should be punished for his sinful ways and not celebrated.
body to be burned and not have love. The Apostle Paul de-
scribes this act as profiting nothing. “And though I bestow In conclusion, we must understand all unrighteousness is
Through kind words we can bring encouragement to that this was a time of celebration. His son was once lost all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body sin. There was none righteous, no not one, only Jesus Christ
others, offer some food or comfort to the soul and body of and now his is found. He was dead but now he lives. (Luke to burned and have not love, it profits me nothing.” (1Cor (Rom 3:1). The power of kindness originated with God
individuals. The expression of kindness has many facets in 15:31). True kindness is birthed out of love- a love for 13:3). Himself in creating man and allowing man the freedom
its demonstration. One of the many expressions of kindness humanity, compassion for the sick, the lost and homeless. to choose life. Kindness is birthed out of the heart of God
is expressed in how we treat each other. “Kind words are The power of kindness is typified in God sending His only As believers, we are to grow progressively in our walk with toward mankind. This love we are to carry in our hearts
like honey-sweet to the soul and health to the body” (Prov begotten Son into the world that mankind might be saved. God, Peter began with a philos love for Jesus and as a result and minds toward other people is the same love that Jesus
16:4). According to this God inspired scripture, kindness One of the root words of kindness is to forgive. God has was provided agape love by giving his life for Christ. It was demonstrated repeatedly throughout his ministry.
can be expressed through words. These kind words reach provided forgiveness of sins for us all. The act of Christ the Apostle Peter who said, “Grow in grace and knowledge
to our innermost being, our soul (spirit, soul, and body). willfully dying on the Cross, granted forgiveness of sins for of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2Peter 3:18). We must continue During these critical times of unrest, instability, and dis-
Death and life resonant in the power of the tongue. (Prov all mankind. to grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ. God crowns ease, we need compassion more than ever. As the Apostle
18:21). us with loving kindness and tender mercies (103:4). Once Paul admonished the church to continue in the faith, we
Fraternal affection or brotherly love is another aspect of we understand the nature and goodness of God, we can need to be admonished on our thoughts. “And now, broth-
Jesus said, his words are spirit and life being the Word kindness that can oftentimes be diminished. Apostle Peter begin the ministry of reconciliation. There are many people ers, as I close this letter, let me say this one more thing:
made flesh. In terms of wisdom, Christ’s wisdom exceeded is arguably one of the most flawed disciples of Christ except who have suffered loss and are in need of having their souls fix your mind on what is true and good and right. Think
wise Solomon. Solomon received his wisdom as a gift from for Judas. After Peter denied Christ three times, Jesus asked repaired. They may be victims of domestic violence or suf- about things that are pure and lovely and dwell on the good
God. Solomon was considered the wisest man on earth him three times if he loved him. Peter said emphatically fered a job loss due to this pandemic. They may have also things in others. Thank about all you can praise God for
until Jesus. Jesus is greater than Solomon in his wisdom. yes (John 21:15-17). First, Peter had to forgive himself. The lost a loved one from Covid-19. There are these moments and be glad about.” (Phil4:8 TLV). Let us follow in that vein
(Matt 12:24). The Cross, a divine expression of the love of act of kindness is twofold. Peter forgives himself and Jesus when we can give a waiter an extra dollar tip. We can have and be glad about the good things that God has done for us
God is considered foolishness to the world (Cor 1:21). This forgives Peter. Peter is commissioned with the work of God compassion on others that make a difference. and others throughout this year.
foolishness of preaching the Cross is the gospel of salvation. of feeding His sheep. There have been many debates on the
Kindness is synonymous with love. It is the second attribute agape aspect of Christ’s love and the philos aspect of Peter’s The power of kindness cannot be underestimated because
the Apostle Paul describes after patience; “Love is patient, love. True agape is the highest aspect of love in its uncondi- God did not spare His only Son. He gave Him freely for us
love is kind…” (1Cor13:1). This kindness was demonstrat- tional form. God is love, so love flows more naturally from all. Jesus is our great High Priest who came to atone for the
ed by God sending his only begotten son into the world so Jesus. (1John 4:16). However, believers have this love inside sins of humanity. Jesus is called the second Adam because
mankind can be saved from the ravages of sin. their hearts by remaining stable and fixed. salvation and new life comes through Him. In the same
way, sin was attributed to mankind through the first Adam.
When I began studying the Bible with a Christian group, God created us in his image as tripartite beings, we have a By being born again, we enter the kingdom of God (John
my eyes began to open to the love of God and His love for spirit, soul, and body. We experience emotions, thoughts 3:3). As strangers and pilgrims, we must understand that
us. God never desired man to be temporarily or eternally and have a will (1Thess 5:23). Philanthropy has its roots in we are merely passing through this earth.
separated from Him. This brought me to an understanding fraternal affection and kindness. In the Strong’s Exhaustive
of Christ’s willingness to die in my place. This revelation Concordance, the Greek word is philantrõpia (5363). It The beloved John the Apostle questioned the love of God
moved my heart and soul in a way that preaching hell and means “fondness of mankind, benevolence.” This power within an individual, who sees a brother in need and shut
damnation never could. My response was on how much that comes from kindness originates from an innate sense up his bowels of compassion. “How can the love of God
Christ loved me to die for my sins. One response is based to make the world a better place. It springs from the heart dwell in that person?” (IJohn3:17). Throughout Christ’s Sean Stewart is 51 years of age and has been
on love, the latter is based on fear. When one is afraid, he or of a person who wants to help others. It can be a random ministry, he demonstrated many acts of kindness to the a Christian since age 16. Stewart resides in
she is afraid of punishment and comply only out of fear of act of kindness, praying for someone or buying a hungry woman caught in adultery. He said, “He that is without sin, Cincinnati, Ohio and has been married for
the consequences. (1John 4:18). man food to eat. let him throw the first stone.” (John 8:7) He healed the de- seven years, with one stepson. Stewart is an
mon possessed man with a legion of demons (Mark 5:1-20).
When one examines the life of the prodigal son, one must As a Christian, there are always opportunities to show He fed the 5,000 men, women, and children with plenty of active member of The Door Christian Fellowship.
ponder the heart of the son who was loyal and steadfast God’s grace and love for another human being experiencing fish and loaves of bread (Matt 13:14-21). Stewart has earned two degrees: Bachelor
in his loyalty to his father; yet became jealous of his lost suffering. I have given homeless people money or bought of Science and a Master of Science from the
brother who spoiled all his goods on riotous living. The someone on the street something to eat. Still, we live in a Our acts of kindness should spring out of a love of God in University of Cincinnati. Stewart enjoys movies,
parable of the Prodigal Son reveals the love of God and his fallen world. There is a tendency of man to take credit for our hearts and minds for humanity. As disciples of Christ, reading, writing, and physical exercise. Stewart
compassion to his children. The younger son, who asked his own goodness or works. Salvation eliminates our good we experience a maturation process. As elder Christians has self-published two books: Rocky Mountains,
for his inheritance, came back in shame because he lost works as a starting point for salvation. Salvation represents we need to show grace to others that are struggling in areas and Morning Star Rising. These books have reli-
everything. Nevertheless, there was repentance in his heart God’s grace or God’s graciousness and goodness. These are where we are strong. The prodigal son had a brother who gious themes with a fictional aspect of the end
and mind. This story reminds us that life does not always all acts of divine kindness that we are to emulate as follow- did not violate his father’s commandment. Yet, he was of days, apocalyptic underpinnings.
seem fair at times. But the father reminded the older son ers of Christ. unwilling to show kindness to his younger brother due to
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