P. 43

Bovine Canine  us her love. She trusted us completely.  We were cra-
        zy about Beauty, and she returned the love.
 By Garry & Kathy Martin
        Lucy became comfortable enough to peer in the
 Lucy had only bovine friends. There might not be   When it became apparent, we began to take food   back door when she wanted more than dry food.
 anything questionable about that, except that she is   to the fence.  Over time, we moved the food to our   We started a routine of providing food morning and
 not a cow. Lucy is a canine: a beautiful, brown, sleek   side of the fence.  We so wanted to help Lucy, but she   late evening.  She adapted easily.  We did not know
 dog with golden-brown eyes. Her back paws boast   would only take the food. She wanted nothing else.    how timely the change was until the farmer came to
 a brush of white at the tips, and she carries a large   take the cows.  We watched as Lucy paced back and
 white pattern on her chest. While she would take   One evening, a fluffy white dog showed up in our   forth, obviously anxious as her bovine family was
 food offerings from folks in the neighborhood, she   backyard.  We fed her, and she welcomed seconds.    taken away.  She was obviously distraught.  Lucy kept
 would not let them get too close physically. Various   She walked right past the one who fed her, walking   approaching the trailers filled with her cows. Whin-
 concerned locals would bring her breakfast and   straight to me, and laid her head on my chest.  Nose   ing and crying, she raced all over the fields, hunting
 lunch from McDonald's, scraps from their tables, and   to nose, she stared into my eyes.  She knew I was not   for them.
 even brought dry dog food.  She had been dumped   the one who brought the food, but she knew who the   Lucy
 in the countryside at a young age and adopted by   pushover was and made her move.  It worked!    We knew she was not trusting enough to let us con-
 a herd of cows. She even ran like the calves with a   sole her. She did not come to eat for a few days.  Then   She doesn't get overly close but does take treats from
 bouncing gait. When they moved to the backfield at   We had longed to reach Lucy, spending so much   Beauty came home with her one evening.  It hurt our   our hands now.
 the end of the day, she always went with them. When   time and effort but ended up with Beauty!  Lucy   hearts to see her so distraught.  She would stand and
 the cows were given bread, she would get her share.    stayed with the cows. It was evident to us that Beauty   stare at the field every day, walking around in it for   Lucy is the reason we have Beauty. We are hoping
 She learned to like apples that mysteriously appeared   had known human friendship at some point as she   hours.  Beauty would get her in the evenings, and we   Lucy learns to receive love by watching us with Beau-
 over the fence!  Her tail was always down, and her   was willing to be loved. Then one day, we caught   would find them both asleep on the lawn chairs on   ty.  There is room in our hearts for both!  Animals
 eyes constantly conveyed fear.  She was a taker: she   Lucy playing with our new friend, Beauty.  I stopped   the porch. It kept them out of the rain. Beauty would   have a unique and innate ability to spread kindness,
 would take all the food that people dropped off, but   to stare a couple of times and noticed her tail was up!     come inside some evenings, which left Lucy outside   their innocent souls are just naive enough to believe,
 she would not give anything back.  It appeared she   It was the first time I saw her evidencing a little hap-  alone.  But she slept on the porch from that day   kindness is the only available emotion. They love
 had been abused before being abandoned on a lonely   piness.  A lonesome dog had finally found a friend.    forward. We began to discuss what to do when it got   first, mirroring here on earth, the unmovable, un-
 country road.  She trusted no one.  We didn't know   What we had been hoping for was happening, but we   cold as there were no cows to keep her warm.  We   changeable, love of God.
 she didn't belong to anyone for quite some time.   just weren't the ones she began to trust first.    had tried putting a large kennel on the porch, but she
        would not get close. We put the food in it, but she
 The friendship grew. They spent time together daily,   wouldn't go inside. How were we going to keep her   Pastor Garry Martin is an Ordained Senior Pastor at
 but Lucy always went "home" to the herd.  Some   warm in low temperatures?  Jackson First Assembly of God Church in Jackson, Tn.
 evenings were bitter cold in the winter.  She snuggled         He grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, moving to Sunbright,
 with the cows at night.  Each day, she came under   My husband is very resourceful. He built a PVC   Tennessee during his teenage years. He received his call
                                                                to ministry in 1980, while attending Rockwood Unit-
 the fence for food, shaking and shivering when it was   pipe square and placed it over the lawn chair she   ed Pentecostal Church. He is married to Kathy Martin,
 cold. In the summer, the flies would sometimes cover   frequented on the porch. He covered it with tarps to   also an Ordained Minister with the Assemblies of God.
 her, biting her until she would roll, trying to get them   keep the cold air from blowing in.  Several old, soft   He has two daughters, Mallory and Lindsey, and three
 off.  It was heartbreaking to watch.  So we adjust-  blankets were placed on the chair, with a heated dog   grandchildren.  He loves to fish, for both fish and the
 ed our tactics.  We brought the food bowl near our   pad on top.  It looked pitiful!  But it worked beauti-  souls of men! Pastor Martin has a unique sence of humor
 house. It didn't work out at first.  But Beauty would   fully!  Lucy loves laying on the heated pad and feels   and he applies it in min-
 sit and wait for Lucy to come and eat, then they   safe enough to sleep there every night.  istry. He is a people per-
 would go off to play.  We began to think about what            son and is quick to make
 would happen if the farmer moved the cows out of   Lucy and Beauty are the best of friends. Beauty pro-  a friend. Pastor Martin
 the field. Lucy would be so lost and afraid.   vides something we cannot. We provide something   will tell you that life is
                                                                way to short not to enjoy
        Beauty cannot. She could have been "abandoned"          and live to your fullest.
 So, we coaxed her (and enticed her with baked   again when her security blanket…the herd…was   He will also tell you that
 chicken!) to come and eat on our screened-in porch.    removed. She has learned to be a dog.   without Jesus a person

 Beauty  It was a long process, but she began to come when   Things have changed some.  Lucy walks with us to   can not truly know the
 called to eat.  We were getting somewhere, finally!
                                                                meaning of real joy.
 We kept dry dog food out in bowls for whenever she   the mailbox, sits near us when we are out in the yard.
 or Beauty might want a snack. Beauty willingly gave
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