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Let’s take the politics and obligations out of the sce-  Kindness?” The quality of being friendly or consid-
                                                                                                                                   narios. Take all expectations out. Go back to a time    erate. A child has no sense of real recognition. They
                                                                                                                                   when things were pure and innocent. A time where        may know “Yay! We used the bathroom,” but they
                                                                                                                                   we had no sense or knowledge of kindness even           don’t know newspapers, news channels, or social
                                                                                                                                   existing. A time where there would be no recognition    media. They know, hey this is my friend or family
                                                                                                                                   for the acts of kindness. Where does that leave you? It   member, and I want to share with them. Not because
                   Mother, Wife, Daughter, and Friend                                                                              takes me to the toddler stage.                          I have too, but because I want too.

                                                                                                                                   As I mentioned earlier, I have a three-year-old daugh-  I do not know about anybody else’s children, but my
        Hello, my name is Kaley Preshern. I am twenty-eight      Fast forward to the age of twenty-four. I was in a very           ter. I spend a big part of my time watching her play    little girl is strong willed. Especially when it’s what she
        years old, and I live in the Hub City, more commonly     abusive relationship, homeless, carless, jobless, and             on her own and with friends. The way they share a       wants or when the grandparents around. However,
        known as Jackson, Tennessee. I grew up in the small      to top it all off, expecting. Not just pregnant, but four         snack or toy makes my heart smile. It reminds me of     when it comes to her and her friends, kindness comes
        town of Reagan, Tennessee. What brings me to the         months pregnant and did not even have a clue.                     the good in the world.                                  so easy for them, and they do not even realize what
        Hub City after all this time? My recovery now, but                                                                                                                                 they are really doing. Kids do it simply to be kind.
        then, my addiction.                                      Fast forward again, I make it to Aspell Recovery Cen-             I believe as we get older, our perception of the world
                                                                 ter and complete all phases of their program. I am                changes. We become aware of the bad, so we spend         My daughter is my window to everyday kindness. I
        Allow me to introduce myself again.                      currently celebrating three years of sobriety. I man-             much time making sure something is done about it        am grateful for her every day. She shows me uncondi-
        Hi, my name is Kaley, and I am an Alcoholic/Drug         aged to regain custody of my three-year-old daughter              out of obligation. As a child, we just know we want     tional love. She reminds me of one thing I know I am
        addict. Most people do not like to discuss these issues   and have married the man of my dreams. God has                   to play, be loved, eat snacks, and spend time with      doing right in life, being her mother. I may feel like
        due to the stigma that follows the title of “Drug ad-    blessed me beyond belief since I made the decision to             our friends. My belief is that every child should have   a failure in every other aspect of my life, but Raylee
        dict,” “Alcoholic,” or “Recovery.” However, for me, it   get clean and sober. Well since the courts made it for            these things daily.                                     shows me through her smile and kindness, there is
        is very therapeutic. My program taught me to not feel    me, until I could make the choice myself, thank God.                                                                      much more powerful things in this life.
        shame for the way I choose to live my life.                                                                                Growing up, I was always taught that kids need to be
                                                                 Now I get to be a Mother, Wife, Daughter, and Friend.             kids for as long as possible. Now that I have my own    I would like to thank everyone who took the time to
        It is my responsibility to help the next person in       I am employed at the place that gave me a chance                  mini me, I can understand why. Our basic instincts      read this article. I would also like to thank Tammy
        need. I believe the first step of this process is aware-  when I did not even want to give myself a chance,                are to protect and provide for our offspring. Through   Yosich for giving me the opportunity to be a part
        ness. I lived a double life, hiding behind pain that no   Aspell Recovery Center. I have regained all the things           centuries of research and development, we now know,     of her work. Hope you enjoyed reading my story as
        one else could see or feel, but me. On the outside it    my addiction took from me and so much more. I can-                there is so much more to parenting! Things such as      much as I did in writing it! Thanks, and remember
        appeared I had it all together. Raised by my aunt and    not wait to see what else God has in store for me.                morals, values, and religious beliefs are just a few    “Share!”
        uncle, I still had nice clothes, grew up on a farm, got                                                                    examples of things we work hard to instill in our little
        involved in plenty of sports, and had decent grades.     When I was first invited to write an article on kind-             ones.
        Both my mother and father were addicts. My living        ness, I was super excited! Writing was a huge outlet
        situation with my mother was unsafe so at the tender     and confidence booster for me when I was younger. It              The first thing we learn is to “Share.” “We must be
        age of eight, I went to live with my aunt and uncle.     is also good practice since I will begin school this fall.        nice and share our toys with others, especially when
                                                                                                                                   we have company,” I catch myself saying this to my
        On the inside, I felt alone, less than, and unwanted. In   The first question I asked myself is, “What exactly is          daughter often. Normally, she does pretty good, but
        high school I thought I was the most disgusting and      kindness?” Kindness is the quality of being friendly,             there is always that one toy she has a harder time
        ugly looking girl of my class. People would compli-      generous, and considerate. Kindness is a kind act in              sharing than others. Immediately after telling her this,
        ment me, and I never believed them. I could never        simple terms. Having had plenty of personal experi-               she hands over the said toy to her friend or company.
        be happy with just Kaley. I spent a long time trying     ence in receiving and giving kindness, I thought this
        to get rid of the shadow of shame that hung over my      article would be easy. Wrong!                                     From birth to age five, there is so much our little ones
        head which only I could see.                                                                                               learn. Walking, talking, potty training, eating on their
                                                                 Most people consider things such as giving money,                 own. But have you ever noticed that sharing is prob-
        As I got older, I started experimenting with alcohol     buying extravagant gifts, or donating to your favor-              ably one of the easiest things they pick up on? Kind-
        and drugs. When I used or drank, I was the life of       ite charity as acts of kindness. There is no argument             ness is a powerful thing. I believe it is one of the last
        the party. Everybody wanted to be my friend. I felt      if these are or are not acts of kindness because they             parts of innocence we have. I also believe in order to
        beautiful. I was no longer scared of being unwanted      most definitely are! However, I wanted to go a differ-            share; we must have some kindness in us. Period.
        because I did not care. I had finally found the magic    ent route with this.
        formula to fix me.                                                                                                         Think about the question I asked earlier, “What is

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