P. 49

A local organization near me was asking for vol-
        unteers to call and check in on elderly folks quar-
        antined to their homes due to COVID-19. I chose
        to volunteer. It was so rewarding to chat with these
        sweet souls. One of the older ladies told me that
        even after COVID, she would love to continue to
        chat with me from time to time. If you choose kind-
        ness, you are choosing to open your heart and life
 B  y    S  h  i  r  l e  y     S  c  a  r  b r  o  u  g h
        to new friendships.

 Kindness is the sincere and voluntary use of   One of the older women I spoke with shared her
 one's time, talent, and resources to better the   life story, words of wisdom, and insight on life and
        love. Our conversations were long, but never bor-
 lives of others, one's own life, and the world   ing. Often, the generations may not feel they can

 through genuine acts of love, compassion,   learn from one another, but I disagree. A toddler   Shirley Scarbrough is a
 generosity, and service. Moreover, kindness   can teach us how to enjoy the simple joys with their   retired mother and
        innocence and genuine appreciation of taking their
 involves choice.  first steps or learning the alphabet. The elderly can

        teach us how to appreciate a long life by not tak-                              grandmother. She is
 I know how unkindness feels. I choose to   ing it too seriously and living in the moment. Our   often found in the
        young adults and middled aged generations can
 extend kindness towards everyone. It might   learn valuable tools from both the toddler and the   community helping in

 have taken a lifetime, but I have learned it is   elderly, perhaps most important is to slow-down,   anyway she can;
 less about how folks treat us and more about   express kindness, and to love one another often and   spreading kindness

 our returned attitude; choose kindness. My   always.                                   wherever she goes.

 mom has always told me if I were kind to   Kindness can be expressed in a variety of ways. Per-

 people, they would be kind to me. I interpret-  haps by serving the vulnerable, lending a listening
 ed her advice as if I remain kind, a seed of   ear to a friend in need, or giving your resources to
        sustain a family during a financial hardship. How-
 kindness will grow within that person. While   ever you choose to be kind, remember kindness

 I may not see the seed grow into the mighty   starts with ourselves. If we are unkind in our mind,
 oak, someone else will; all because I chose to   our hearts, and soul, we cannot give away some-

 be kind.   thing we do not have. Kindness is an inside job that
        will genuinely light up the lives of other people.
        While there are those that normalize hate, let us
        persevere to revolutionize kindness, hope, compas-
        sion, and love.

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