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A Stranger’s Kindness                                                                            I was on the side of the road of life. Crying out for   Perhaps many will hate my words, too. Those enraged
                                                                                                                                                                                           with my choices might accuse me of terrible things
                                                                                                                                   help. Dying. Passed by. Would you stop and help?
                                                   By R.M. Pearce                                                                  Despite all of the angered people that violently at-    out of spite. Others might even seek to take my life.
                                                                                                                                                                                           I hope not, but I am reminded of a man. A man, that
                                                                                                                                   tacked my hero, he persisted and lived. It was before   despite all of the vitriol and lies thrown at him, kept
                                                                                                                                   I was born that I contracted an illness. A sickness     pursuing his mission of kindness and love. A man that
        This man lived years before me, and I don’t believe      All my life, I’ve been taught not to associate with the           that would eventually take my life if not for a com-    changed so many lives with his words. A man that
        I have ever met him physically. However, he left me      homeless or strangers. Perhaps it is wise advice, but             plete transfusion. Someone’s blood for mine. The man    saved my life.
        pages and pages of words. Wise words. Painful words.     on the other hand, they are people that are hurting               of my story practiced what he taught and knew this
        Hard words. I know it’s silly, but despite being a       just like the traveling man. They ask for help and we             was the only way to disprove those that despised him.   If my life reflects this man in anyway, I will consider
        writer, I’m not much of a reader. I read textbooks       pass them by. My heart pangs with a desire to help                I needed a cure. This stranger entered my life and      it a life well-lived.
        to learn and peruse news for current information, but    as I often stare in a different direction and travel              offered his blood. The transfusion began.
        I don’t read for pleasure. I create excuses, “I hardly   past. I want to stop and ask them how I can be                                                                            I must practice what I teach. My actions must re-
        have enough time in the day” or “If only I had more      of assistance. I want to look them in their eyes and              A transfusion for someone of my small size was easy     flect my words. I hope to help those in need. I want
        free time and worked less, then I could read.” That’s    connect with them person-to-person. I want to know                in theory but held major ramifications. The doctors     to hear others’ stories. I want to save a life.
        a joke. A cold, hard, ironic joke. A writer that never   their story. Everyone deserves to have their story                couldn’t sterilize the deadly agents in my blood, nor
        reads, yet the words of one man changed my life.         heard and not forgotten. I pass them by. I don’t say              could they complete a clean transfusion. They were      The stranger may have given his life for mine, but
                                                                 a word. I don’t ask a question. I don’t help.                     powerless. They were human. All anyone could do is      he lives on in me. His mission is still very much alive.
        I try to read a little each day of the words he left                                                                       wait and watch.                                         Like I said, I can’t give the details of my story, but
        me. A page or two here and there. Wise words need        In 2015, I began testing those fears and provided                                                                         they’re out there to find. Simple words left to encour-
        to sit. They need to simmer in your heart. They need     money to those alongside stoplight intersections. It              Not long after, the man writhed in agony as the mur-    age. I did not write them, nor did I choose my story.
        time to change your mind completely. I’m afraid that     felt good, like I was helping — for a short time. Some-           derous parasites that had once meant death for me       It was written before I was born. The story of how
        I’m too stubborn sometimes. This stranger saved my       where around 2016, I moved to California and was                  were attacking his frail body. I had cried out for help,   my life was saved by the kindness of a stranger.
        life and yet I refuse to listen to his insights. I might   walking alongside a group of friends at Venice Beach.           wounded and alone. Just like the stranger that paid
        even try to find reasons not to listen.                  I was new to the area and open to learning about my               all expenses to restore the traveler’s health, my hero   Words. They can create worlds and destroy them. They
                                                                 surroundings. One of my friends had finished most of              paid a costly price to heal me. I was cured. I would    can change a man’s heart or break it. They provide
        Words. They can create worlds and destroy them. They     his Starbucks coffee as we were exploring the various             live!                                                   the discerning with endless wealth yet lead others to
        can change a man’s heart or break it. They provide       sights. Suddenly, a weak voice called out from one of                                                                     ruin. Words have power.
        the discerning with endless wealth yet lead others to    the open avenues and asked for the remainder of the               The man, my hero, would not. He died before I entered
        ruin. Words have power.                                  coffee. The cup was practically empty, and the dregs              this world.                                             My words will tell the story of my hero — the man
                                                                 swirled near the bottom. My friend refused and kept                                                                       that saved my life.
        Not all liked his words. Many ridiculed him or called    on walking. After a short distance, I asked why he                I read his words and doubt settles in my heart. I
        him a liar. Would it surprise you to know that my hero   chose to do so. He had practically finished the drink and         question if I can ever live up to his example. I owe
        didn’t have a perfect record? He was arrested. He        the man was asking for the final drops as if begging              him my life and my future. I wouldn’t be here today
        was charged with various crimes. When asked if he        for scraps. Both friends exchanged stories of how beg-            without him. I want to say thank you. I want to
        was guilty, he remained silent. I don’t believe he was   gars in the area would often call out to kind strangers           wrap my arms around him and give him the strongest
        guilty of the things they said. Many of their stories    and stab them as they drew near before taking their               hug I can muster. I want to make my hero proud of
        contradicted one another. His accusers spat at him       things. My heart hardened in an instant. How can one              his incredible sacrifice.
        with venom and vile obscenities. He remained still.      help those like the traveler, when they may become
        They wanted him gone. He walked towards them —           the traveler— beaten and violated?                                Today, I follow in his footsteps. I am working to
        into danger. They hated how his words challenged                                                                           become a storyteller and teacher. I studied screen-
        their behaviors and refused to open their eyes to        I’ve often ruminated on my friends’ stories and                   writing and creative writing in college. I’ve written
        change. He wanted to help. They wanted him dead.         questioned their validity. I truly believe that horrible          for various publications and I’m currently working on a
                                                                 things like these happen. I’ve grown up believing sim-            number of different novels. For the past three years,
        He was a storyteller and teacher. He often used both     ilar lessons instilled in me from a young age. But if we          I have worked as a substitute teacher in the pro-       R.M. Pearce is a writer, teacher, and publicist in
        of these talents in his speeches — the same words        follow these guidelines, how can we change the world?             gression of finally securing a full teaching certificate. I   Kansas City, Missouri. Pearce’s past publications can
        that were written down and left for me. He once talk-    How do we not simply pass by everyone in need? It’s               can’t say that these choices were intentional. I can’t   be found in Silicon Beach Magazine, Victorious, and
        ed of a man that was attacked when traveling and         self-preservation or so I tell myself.                            help being a storyteller and teacher. There’s some-     Shorelines Art Magazine. In addition, Pearce is work-
        robbed of all he was carrying. The traveler cried out                                                                      thing within me that pulls me to these subjects. I      ing on numerous novels and has published a novella,
        for help, but many purposely avoided him or ignored his   The man that saved my life would say otherwise. In               want to encourage people to live a better life. I want   The Monsters Within. R.M. Pearce hopes to com-
        pleas and kept walking. I often ask myself if I would    his tale, the wounded traveler was dying on the side of           to provide answers and not cause problems. I want to    bine teaching with the love of the written word and
        be one of those people. In fact, I almost know I would   the road when a stranger picked him up, brought him               help people.                                            encourage excitement for creative writing through
        be.                                                      into town, and paid all expenses to restore the man’s                                                                     entertainment.
                                                                 health. We’ve all heard this story, but I was this man.

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