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SUCCESS SUPERPOWERS See Yourself Successful Shake off Fear Do The Work
By Denise Taylor Your vision sets the goal. You Almost every successful person We absolutely should “Name
must see the accomplished begins with two beliefs - the it” & “Claim it” - but it’s only
version of yourself and allow future can be better than the in the “Doing it” that our
it to draw you in. If you’re present and I have the power faith comes alive. Faith is
Denise Taylor struggling to “see” it then to make it so. Fear is nothing made known more by what
you’re likely not convinced it more than False Evidence we do. Faith is an action
Success Strategist. can be. I love how Apostle I.V. Appearing Real. We must word. We must put our hands
Hilliard puts it - “We must remove all doubt and choose to to work and get it done. We
Career, Lifestyle & visit our future on the canvas turn our can’ts into cans & our must do something daily that
of our imagination”. We must dreams into plans. We can’t al- moves us forward. Let’s never
Relationship Coach consider what we want and low fear to rob us of achieving be afraid of going slow - but
make it a part of our future what we desire any longer. afraid of standing still. You
and goals. Not those goals we put are possible. But you must do
off but the goals we pursue. We the work!
Transformational must see ourselves strong and
thriving in the successful state
Speaker we desire. 4 5
Take Care of You Hold Fast to Your Faith
Self-care is far more than manicures & pedicures. Do not get weary!!! Anything worth
It’s really sad we’ve reduced it to that alone. Those having is absolutely worth your pursuit,
things are fine, but they lack the substance needed worth your diligence and worth your
to truly sustain the weight of greatness you possess passion. Do not give up when you face
and the success that awaits you. opposition as it’s often a sign that suc-
If you’ve secretly wanted more despite having achieved meaningful success and results, you are not alone. You cess is near. Stay focused on your goals,
can build a life you love without apology. As high achievers, we often settle for a version of success that priori- Self-care is investing in yourself fully so that you can believing it is possible for you.
tizes everything and everyone else. We sometimes choose to discount our desires and often deal with the secret perform optimally. It’s a conscious act to promote
disappointment of considering what we want last. Now is the time to prioritize your desires and soar on your your own physical, mental, and emotional health. The world needs your deposit. There are
own terms. It’s seeking the necessary help, support and partner- people waiting for you to show up strong.
ships that edify you and build you up - mind, body So, don’t let delay confuse your objective
There are five keys to achieving success and building a life you love. Though they may sound common, they are & soul. or dilute your commitment. Stay the
impactful when we embrace them fully. I fondly call them the Success SuperPowers. When embraced, you are course. Your decision to pursue may be
empowered to Be, Do, Have and Achieve anything you desire– even the secret things that only you know. Self-care is often overlooked yet it is critically vital challenged but it was not a mistake. Suc-
for building resilience toward the life stressors you cess is imminent. Don’t give up.
I recently launched my podcast, Life, Love and the Pursuit of Happiness, to lift my voice and the voices of others cannot eliminate. When intentional steps are taken
to champion you to build a life you love. I believe we are encouraged by the testimony of others and empowered to care for yourself fully, you'll be better equipped to
when we can see ourselves in their victories. Hearing from achievers each week that faced this very choice and live your best life.
succeeded at overcoming obstacles, sticking with their true desire, and shaking off fear will inspire, encourage,
and compel you to set yourself free to build a life you love.
Great news! We have help to flex our Superpower muscles. God has
The key is prioritizing your hopes, desires and dreams. They matter. You matter. They are important. You are
important. And you deserve to go after them until they are fully realized, and you are happy on your own terms. not given us a spirit of fear, He gave us power. We simply need to
Embrace Our Power & Go! And when we do, we can Be, Do, Have
and Achieve whatever our heart desires.
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