P. 61

Perspective  My mission in


             life is not merely

 By April Riddle  to survive, but to

 My Ma came out butt first and from  I am proud to be my mother's child  In her home I was able to see her
 the very beginning knew that life  and see things from a different  example of honoring her husband,  thrive; and to do
 could be viewed from more than one  angle. I tend to believe true kindness  disciplining her kids and studying her
 angle. In her younger years, Ma's  is displayed more by what we don't  bible to grow closer to God, not just
 individuality was often seen as  do than by what we do. Let me  to check it off her to do list. In my
 rebellion and frowned upon by her  explain. When I first became a  heart, Carol's kindness came across
 parents and educators. If I were to  believer in, and follower of the  not in what she did do as much as  so with some
 be honest, while I loved the fun and  teachings of Jesus Christ I was a  what she didn't do. She didn't judge,
 freedom in her artistic approach to  chain-smoking twenty-something  gossip, demand, try to fix, or
 life at home, in public it could be  stay at home mom. I kept my kids  manipulate. She slowly, prayerfully,
 embarrassing. I sometimes resented  and the house healthy and clean, but  came alongside me, shared what
 that she just wouldn't, or couldn’t, be  I had a mouth like a trucker, a  she knew and let me see how she  passion, some
 "normal."   fondness for gossip and a bit of a  lived. I am a better person for having
 temper. I had a conversation with  known her and will forever be
 God in my living room but had no  grateful for the kindness she showed
 Entering the  church family or Christian friends.  me.
 Then I met Carol.      compassion,
 world backwards,
 I needed transportation, Carol had a
 gives life a  car and a heart to help. She began
 picking me and the kids up once a
 different  week for appointments and what not.  some humor, and

 perspective  I'm a talker so I shared, she listened
 and could relate some of her
 experience with my circumstances.
 Ma went to dance with the angels in
 2016, but before she did, we came to  She encouraged me to read, pray  some style.
 and fellowship, but didn't scowl and
 April Riddle is passionate about
 a place of mutual love and respect  community outreach and leads an
 for one another that left room for us  point out all the things I'd done or  online women's bible study. Riddle
 both to just breathe and be  was doing that didn't line up with  started the Bible study during the
 ourselves. We were kind to one  what she was coming to believe was  COVID shut down to stay connected
 another.  God's will and his way.  during a time of social distancing.
 Writing is her creative outlet and  MAYA ANGELOU
 After a while Carol invited me to her
 I came to understand that more  April's s proud to begin utilizing it as a
 times than not, kindness is  home, introduced me to her family  paid intern for ZGP Magazine.
 determined by how you look and  and invited the kids and I to visit
 what you say or do.  often with no time restraints.

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