P. 63

How You
 Transporting Kindness:  Within twenty-five hours, pups were delivered to Vir-  Can Help Every
        ginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Con-

 26 Dogs, 6 States,   necticut. There were six different pick-up locations.   Adventure
        The families were joyous upon meeting their new furry
 and 25 Hours                                Connecticut was

                                             the last stop, and   1. Adopt a pet
                                             the duo made        If you’ve been thinking that it’s time to add a pet to your

 It's finally Friday! It's been a long week.  It's 3 o'clock,   It took significant teamwork. Kim retrieved the van   it to the hotel   family, consider adopting from a local shelter or rescue
 and that means only two hours to go before sweet free-  from Nashville, drove back to Jackson, picked up   by 4 p.m. on   group.
 dom. At this very moment, there is a large white van   puppies from fosters along the way, and packed all they   Saturday, March
 being prepped for some thirty-odd passengers to head   needed to make sure they were ready to get these boys   27, 2021, where   2. Donate
 out on the open road. Forty-three hours of driving lat-  and girls to their forever homes. The Callison's head-  they showered,   Every animal shelter and rescue organization has bills to
 er, the white van returns, carrying only two passengers. ed out of Jackson with a van full at 3 p.m. on Friday,   ate, and crashed.   pay and your generous monetary donation will be grate-
 March 26, 2021. There were two humans and twen-  The white van   fully accepted. Donations may be used to help cover the
 Perhaps I should start at the beginning; before you   ty-six dogs.   pulled back into   costs of daily operations, supplies, staff training, animal
 think a magazine about kindness has turned dark and   Jackson, Tennes-  housing upgrades, community outreach programs, animal
 twisty. Animal transport is a big deal in West Tennes-  In the mix of twen-  see, late Mon-  enrichment and much more.
 see. There are a lot of people that volunteer to ensure   ty-six, there was one   day evening on
 that abandoned, abused, and neglected animals find   that was blind due   March 29, 2021   3. Volunteer
 their way to a Forever Home. I have volunteered to   to an ocular disease,   with just human   Even if you can’t adopt a pet just now, you can help make
 transport puppies across county lines. It is how I saved   an elderly dog with a   passengers, to-  life better for animals in your community by volunteering
 three pups – one is my very own sweet Sophie.  skin condition that left   taling almost 45   with your local shelter or rescue organization.
 permanent damage, an                        hours of driving
 Enter our puppy heroes: Kim Mozena Rezac, President  adopted dog dumped   time.   4. Say thanks
 and Founder of Goofy Foot Dog Rescue, and Sidney   on a highway that they   Take a minute to express your gratitude to the people who
 and Caleb Callison, who volunteered for the journey.   picked up, and two   When I heard   work at your local shelter or rescue groups. Give them a
 The pup's original ride broke down. Without thumbs,   litters of puppies. One   about this epic   shout-out on social media, drop off lunch or cookies for
 they couldn't just hitchhike. When Sidney found about  set was with owners   transport, I knew I had to share their story. Kindness is   the staff and/or mention to municipal leadership what a
 this dilemma, she called her husband and asked a ques- that did not know how   an action that is expressed in a variety of ways. Hu-  value they bring to your community.
 tion she knew the answer to, "Hey, wanna give some   to care for mom, much   mans use words to say, "Thank you." However, I believe
 pups a lift?" “Let's do it, why not!"    less her litter. The litter   these pups used what they have to express gratitude –   5. Become a fan
 of puppies was rescued by Ashley O'Donnell, who   slobbery kisses, cuddles, big smiles, and of course, the   Like and follow your local animal shelters and rescue
 fought hard for their rescue. The second set had been   happy wagging of their tails.   groups on Facebook, then invite your friends and family
 fostered by women in jail who bottle fed the tiny pups.         to like and follow them too.
        On the road of rescue, there are lots of transport
 It was an arduous trip, but with such a rewarding end.   stations. I'm grateful for the kindness, the unpaid   6.  Make wishes come true
 There were natural antics along the way, including lack   volunteers, and unsung heroes of these precious souls.   Shelters and rescue groups always need towels, toys and
 of sleep and an endless stream of "clean up on aisle 9.”   Without a doubt, it is the efforts of these two individ-  other supplies. Check their websites for wishlists; if they
 However, during each stop–the humans’ hearts grew   uals and countless   don’t have one, call them to find out what's in short supply
 larger and larger as each pup was delivered to their   more, that dogs like   and offer to create an online wishlist for them.
 forever homes. The number of people involved in each   the one you might be
 of these dog's stories is innumerable. Sidney and Caleb   cuddled up with right   7. Become a foster
 were so grateful to have been a part of their journey -   now, have found their   The value of fosters can't be overrated. They can be lifesav-
 physically and emotionally. They are the reason these   way to you.   ers for pets who can't adapt to shelter life, those who need
 dogs are going to live their best lives.                        to be nursed back to health and orphaned kittens who
                                                                 need someone to step in for their mom (or whose needs
                                                                 are beyond what busy shelter staff can often provide).

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