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welcomed surprise. Some examples are men opening the   to the community.
                                     I Still Remember                                                                              door for me, someone letting me go ahead of them in a line

                                                 By Melissa Jordan                                                                 at the store, locals making recommendations during a va-  “No matter what happens in life,
                                                                                                                                   cation, donating money for various school fundraisers, and
                                                                                                                                   paying it forward a couple of times at a local coffee shop.  be good to people. Being good to
                   I believe acts of kindness are powerful enough to change lives.                                                                                                        people is a wonderful legacy to leave
                              We all have the need for kindness in common.                                                         When I accepted a position with the Monroe Carell Jr.                      behind. “
        My family means so much to me; they are a great group   three months during my 3rd grade year. I was so shy and            Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt in 2006, I had no idea the           ~ Taylor Swift
        of people! I appreciate the kindness and love shown to me   anxious my first day at the second school. I still remember    lasting impact it would have! This position seemed pretty
        over the years from all my family members. My grandpar-  crying while standing in the doorway of the classroom.  I         simple on paper, but the experiences taught me very im-
        ents had twelve children and were kind, generous people.   was quickly approached by two classmates asking me if I         portant life lessons. I was able to see life through a broader   One day in 2007, I came face to face with a musician and
        My grandmother baked cakes from scratch and added       would like to sit with them in the cafeteria during lunch. I       lens and I am forever grateful for that!               her guitar player. This musician could sell out stadiums! I
        personal, decorating touches. She paid close attention to   said yes. Their kindness made me feel welcome and com-                                                                was very nervous about having to be the front-line person
        preferences like a favorite sport or activity. Those cakes   fortable in my new classroom. My new teacher became my             “Everyone needs to be valued.                     that day. They were so nice! I still remember how im-
        were a labor of love for her.                           favorite teacher of all time. She was a very kind lady who           Everyone has the potential to give                   pressed I was by both of them. There was no pushback or
                                                                was beloved by so many!                                                          something back.”                         entitlement type behavior from either of them. They were
        One year, my grandfather cut down a Spruce tree on his                                                                                                                            so polite, cooperative, and expressed their understanding
        property so my mom and I would have a Christmas tree. It                                                                                 ~ Princess Diana                         of the importance regarding our visitor policies. They wait-
        was my first, live tree. I still remember how much I loved                                                                                                                        ed their turn in the visitor lounge just like everyone else.
        visiting them at their house out in the country!                                                                           My task at the most basic level was to greet visitors, ex-  I thought about how special this was for the patient to see
                                                                                                                                   plain, and monitor the visitor policy on our floor. I kept a   her favorite singer. This was done under the radar without
                                                                                                                                   daily log of visitors and passed out visitor stickers. The vis-  any press or praise. Their purpose was kindness.
                                                                                                                                   itor policies had to be strictly enforced. There were restric-
                                                                                                                                   tions on the number of visitors allowed in a patent’s room   Our lives can bring us to our knees at times, but it’s the
                                                                                                                                   at one time. You couldn’t bring fresh fruit or latex balloons   kindness of others that can help us get back up and contin-
                                                                                                                                   on one of the units. All these precautions were put in place   ue to move forward. And that is a powerful thing.
                                                                           “A single act of kindness throws out                    for the patient’s safety.
                                                                           roots in all directions, and the roots                                                                         To all the people who have been kind to me, I still remem-
                                                                             spring up and make new trees.”                        I consider myself a positive, outgoing person, so I felt qual-  ber. I wanted say thank you.
                                                                                   ~Amelia Earhart
                                                                                                                                   ified for the job. I knew there would be some pushback and
                                                                                                                                   maybe some people wouldn’t be super nice. There were go-
                                                                                                                                   ing to be some tough days, but I was up for the challenge.
                                                                Friends have such a powerful influence in our lives. They          During the time in this role, I met some amazing families
        When I was in Kindergarten, a classmate’s mom offered   lend us their time, advice, shoulder, money, muscle, hospi-        and patients! An important part of my job involved making   Melissa Jordan is from southern
        me a ride home one afternoon when it looked like nobody   tality, and acceptance. I believe that friendship and kind-      people visiting feel comfortable and know they could have   Indiana. She has previously worked
        was coming to pick me up. I didn’t realize my grandparents   ness go hand in hand. In middle school, a male friend tried   a different conversation outside those unit doors. The   in administrative roles within both
        were running a few minutes late, so I accepted her help. I   to convince me that I was perfect just as I was. I remember   visitors could get a break from the heaviness. They could   the hospital setting and higher
        was so proud of myself that I remembered how to get to   thinking how kind he was to say that in the exact moment I        talk to me about where they were from, their favorite sports   education. She graduated from the
        my grandparent’s house out in the country. That nice lady   needed to hear it. I was very lucky to have nice boyfriends.   teams, current events, or just the weather. I enjoyed engag-  University of Southern Indiana,
        drove three miles out of town to drop me off.           They were so kind to me and made me feel so loved. I still         ing in the conversations!                              with a Bachelors degree in Commu-
                                                                remember, one time I went on a date to see a movie and                                                                     nications and an Associates degree
        I walked in an empty house with the phone ringing. It was   after the movie, my date changed my license plate for me in    One time, a patient came out of the unit and told me that   in Early Childhood Education.
        my mom. She told me to hang tight that my grandparents   the parking lot.                                                  I looked nice that day. That moment made me realize I   Her two favorite courses in college
        would be there in a few minutes. My mom and I still think                                                                  needed to stop sweating the small stuff in life. This young   were Special Events and Children’s
        it was so kind of her to offer me help that day.        As a parent, I was very touched by an act of kindness from         patient took the time to give me a compliment and put    Literature. Her interests include
                                                                my young son. He was allowed to pick an item out of the            on a smile during a difficult time in her life. Sometimes,   pop culture, traveling, reading,
        That same year, an elderly neighbor carved a wooden heart   prize box at school for having a good day. He picked out a     I wonder if we give young people enough credit for their   watching movies, listening to music
        with my name in it. He made it into a necklace using a   box of brightly colored nail polishes that he wanted to give      strength. I can’t say enough about the wonderful nursing   and spending time with family.
        leather string in his workshop. My name was written in   to me. So, instead of picking out an item for himself, he         staff, specialists, and doctors who dedicate their lives to   One of her favorite vacation spots is
        cursive and I thought it was beautiful! I still remember the   picked out something for me. I still remember how ex-       helping others!                                                Seagrove, Florida.
        smell of the wood.                                      tremely proud of him I was that day!                               I was a little star struck when I first moved to Nashville.
                                                                Kindness among family, friends and teachers is common-             You could spot a musician or band here and there at times
        I had to attend two different elementary schools within   place. It’s the kindness from strangers that can be such a       within the hospital. I was so happy to find out that several
                                                                                                                                   of the local, popular musicians took the time to give back
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