P. 83

Pet Philanthrophy  tonitis (FIP), a type of feline coronavirus considered   to be euthanized for fear he had contracted rabies.

 By Emily Pruitt  non-treatable until very recently and almost always   We also had to get rabies shots. Ollie had been found
        fatal. It all started when he started losing weight,     outside in the wild; thankfully, he didn’t have rabies at
        then urinating on the floors, and finally, not walking.   all; this didn’t make Ollie’s loss any easier to grieve.
 I remember my first cat,   part so much that I even started doing it for Bella and   It was hard to see Ash go; he was such a lovely and              At least with Bella and Daisy, they lived into
 Lily, in 2018 and my first   Daisy, too. I still do it with Phoebe and Lily to this   friendly cat, especially to Bella. I still miss Ash so   old age. Daisy died of a heart attack a little over three
 dog, Phoebe, in 2019. Now,   day. “Wow, this must be what motherhood is like!” I   much.   weeks before her 12th birthday; Bella died of a stom-
 I’m no stranger to having   thought to myself. And I loved every minute of it!              It did not get easier with Ollie. I only got to   ach mass when she was fourteen years old. We always
 pets around the house. I’ve              Unfortunately, that feeling couldn’t last forever;   know him for a week. It all started a few months after   wish for more years than given. When Bella died, my
 been very close with all the   death is an inevitable part of life, after all. I learned   Ash had died. My sister and I had just started our   mother was intensely depressed, very similar to how I
 pets in my life, Bella, Dai-  that the hard way early in 2016 when Charlie started   summer vacation in late May when my mother came   felt when Charlie died several years earlier. She didn’t
 sy, Ash, and Charlie, who   getting sick and throwing up. On his final day, we   home for her lunch break and told us we had compa-  know how she could live without a dog because she
 was originally my sister’s   had to take him to the hospital to see what was going   ny. That was odd; we usually didn’t have any com-  had loved Bella and Daisy like they were her children.
 but ended up being mine   on. I found him hiding under my bed. I guess he had   pany during Mom’s lunch break. But my sister and I   Honestly, I didn’t know how to live without them ei-
 for personal reasons. Our   trusted me long enough to do that. I gently coaxed   walked outside our house and saw a brown cardboard   ther. So, a little over a week after Bella died, a person
 sweet little Ollie lived for   him into the cat carrier and tried to comfort him as   box with a tiny orange tabby cat inside it. We were   on Facebook was looking to rehome some puppies.
 only a month. But when Lily and Phoebe came to live   much as possible during the emergency trip. But it   both in awe and filled with joy at the sight of the cute   My mom and I flipped a coin: heads = puppy; tails
 with me, I felt something else, something deep in my   was too late; Charlie was gone. Everyone in my family   little kitten! We carried the box into the house and   = no puppy. To our surprise (and our joy), the coin
 heart where only the most profound love can hit you.   cried, but I bawled as I had never bawled in my entire   let the kitten out of it, wondering what to name it. I   returned a ‘heads’ verdict. And that was how Phoebe
 I don’t know whether to call it maternal instincts or   life. During those few years, Charlie had been in the   was suggesting Graham so that I could call him the   came to our house.
 not, but their kindness inspires me to rekindle my   center of my heart, and that was the kindest thing   nickname “Graham Cracker.” My mother, sister, and              So, what does this have to do with the power of
 kindness.    anyone or any animal could ever do for me.   I came up with several names and disagreeing with   kindness? Phoebe and Lily provided purpose in my
            I should start when I was only six years old              A pet’s death, sadly, soon became normal for   them all. Until I suggested the name “Oliver.” To my   life. I cared for them, loved them, and in return, they
 with my very first dogs Bella and Daisy.  I didn’t have   me. Let’s start with Ash. It was September 8, 2016,   surprise, my mother and sister liked the name, so   cuddled and loved on me; it all cheered me up. Again,
 a whole lot of responsibilities taking care of them.   the best day of my life so far. I had just been accepted   Oliver, or Ollie, it was.   I don’t know whether to call it maternal instincts
 Don’t get me wrong, I loved them a lot, but it wasn’t   into my high school’s beta club. I was over the moon              Like the others, I loved caring for Ollie, even   or not, but their kindness inspires me to return the
 like they were mine. Neither was Charlie at first; he   with happiness. As soon as I walked into the house   bathing him because he   kindness. I care about them just like they care about
 was my sister’s when he first came to live with us; I   and announced the good news to my family, my   would get pretty messy   me. That’s what love is. That is the power of kindness
 was in the fourth grade. I mean, I played with them,   sister told me to come to the den couch because she   from the cat box. Okay,   a pet gives you. That is how a pet’s kindness goes so
 petted them, and loved them to the moon and back,   had a surprise for me. I sat down next to her, and she   maybe that last part   far. Whether that pet is dead or still alive, whether it
 but I didn’t have an obligation   showed me a tiny silver tabby with long gray fur and   wasn’t the most dignified   lived a long life or died very young, that kindness will
 to care for them. That was until   only one eye, my little Ash. I was consumed with love   part of taking care of a   always remain in your heart. I should know because
 my sister started having some   and admiration, but I was also cautious. It hadn’t even   cat, but it was still an im-  the kindness of all my pets has stayed warm in my
 problems when I was in the   been a year since Charlie had died, and Ash only had   portant responsibility that   heart.
 eighth grade. It wasn’t good   one eye. What if he didn’t live very long?  I took on entirely. I still
 then.                            fondly remember when
            Consequently, when my   he learned how to climb up the stairs and how proud
 sister eventually moved away   we all were of him for doing so. He was such a fast
 to my father’s house, I ended up having to care for   learner and a sweet little boy. I couldn’t wait to see
 Charlie. I didn’t know much about taking care of a   what else he would learn! But then, on a day meant to
 cat; all I knew was playing with him, petting him, and   be a peaceful Saturday, June 1, 2018, it turned out to
 picking him up made me feel good. Now, all of a sud-  be anything but peaceful. Ollie was shaking, scratch-  I’m just an autistic person
 den, I had to feed him and give him water. Being an      ing at his face, and we thought maybe some litter got   who likes writing, reading,
 eighth-grader, I didn’t think much of it, but I found it              “Don’t expect him to live very long,” my moth-  in his eye. So, my mother tried to wipe his eye with   drawing, and Eurovision.
 enjoyable, and Charlie enjoyed me. I found it ironic   er had told me. Luckily, he made it to his first birth-  a wet wipe gently, but Ollie wouldn’t allow it, and he
 that Charlie would enjoy my company because I was   day, and you better believe I celebrated it in July. I   scratched her. That was when we realized something
 rough on him when he first came to our house. How-  took care of Ash just like I had taken care of Charlie,   more serious was happening. We drove him to the
 ever, my favorite part of taking care of Charlie was   playing with him, petting him, feeding him, and com-  emergency vet. We were upset and praying that Ollie
 feeding him and announcing to him which flavor of   forting him during his final days. Yes, Ash had final   would make it through, but it was no use. Ollie had
 food he was going to have for the night. I loved that   days; he was diagnosed with Feline Infectious Peri-
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